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How many have actually ever found a legit Heli?

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How many of you have actually found a LEGIT spawned heli (or non-spawned/not hacked) in dayZ?

Mainly Chernarus map, not lingor. If you have found one, did it spawn in working order? Or needed repairs?


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Heli´s spawn mostly on skalisty Island and need:

1x Main Rotor Assembly (6 Spaces in inventory)

1x Engine Parts (6 Spaces in inventory)

4x Scrapt Metal (4x3 = 12 Spaces in inventory)

8x Windscreenglas (8x2=16 Spaces in inventory)

50x fills with Jerry cans to be Full (*x3 Spaces rest of you space free)

Edit further Information:

If you dont attach on of the Parts the Heli will lose Fuel (all parts) and may dont fly the right way (engine and Main Rotor)

But you are abel to fly it without an Repaired engine or missing Windscreenglas

Edited by Paddy0610
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Heli´s spawn mostly on skalisty Island and need:

1x Main Rotor Assembly

1x Engine Parts

4x Scrapt Metal

8x Windscreenglas

50x fills with Jerry cans to be Full

Would it be possible to repair without a boat"? Like swimming over and such?

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Found a UH-1H or what it is called yesterday near Novy sobor but it was banged to shit and i didnt have any parts on me to fix it sadly. :(

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I did found a crashed helicopter, I dunno if you mean that, never found a heli that didnt crash, but You always have to repair a heli if you found one, or else it is hacked in or it is owned by somebody

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Would it be possible to repair without a boat"? Like swimming over and such?

yes it would but you need to confirm first that you dont lose your backpack while swimming. Otherway its pain in the ass searchign hours for the Parts loosign them to the Water

Skalisky got an very high chance to be the Spawn point Starrry can be one and NW Airfield but they are like 95% Skakisky and 5% rest

and furhter infos:

you can carry all parts with 3 Guys using an coyote backpack each

Edited by Paddy0610

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I have a legit heli on my server. If you ever want a ride PM me :)

It was found on skalisty island, it needed a ton of work, and fuel to get it running.

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I think Ive ran into a couple of legit clan ones. Cant be too sure. Most of them Ive seen are guaranteed hacked in ones.

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No legit ones, just crashed heli sites. But I found one heli after a nuke aftermath, just on a roof. Don't ask me how it happened, I just logged into a server and I was standing on the remains of a fire station.

Edited by Sutinen

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Would it be possible to repair without a boat"? Like swimming over and such?

Of course you can, but your direct inventory is pretty limited and swimming can (And at such distance, will) lose your backpack.

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Prior to the vehicle/tent save fix, the helicopter always spawned on Skalisky Island. It need a ton of parts as described above + a lot of fuel. You can swim across to the island without losing any gear - that was fixed awhile ago.

Now since the vehicle/tent fix patch, the helicopter does NOT spawn anymore.

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Found heaps of Helis. Have repaired four of them to full working order. Hackers/Bugs/Other players are responsible for our first three losses.

...The fourth was the fault of too much alcohol in one of my friends.

Protip: If you can get your hands on a vehicle, you can gather all the required equipment, and drive it all to the Krutoy Cap lighthouse, swim over with a mate guarding the truck, and see if anyone else has left a boat there, as well as check to see if the heli has spawned there, if anyone's left tents there, etc, etc...

Edited by Dreganius

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Prior to the vehicle/tent save fix, the helicopter always spawned on Skalisky Island. It need a ton of parts as described above + a lot of fuel. You can swim across to the island without losing any gear - that was fixed awhile ago.

Now since the vehicle/tent fix patch, the helicopter does NOT spawn anymore.

do you have a link to prove this? The morning after the patch hit choppers were spawning just fine on multiple servers running the current patch. I am not sure your information is correct sir...

Edited by Faceman Peck

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do you have a link to prove this? The morning after the patch hit choppers were spawning just fine on multiple servers running the current patch. I am not sure your information is correct sir...

Maybe he was on a server that did the reddit fix for the tent/vehicle saving?

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