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Denizens of FR7, vehicle business overplayed!

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T'was a good day, got 8 vehicles gathered and even managed to defend em some on a couple occasions!

3 guys were trying to steal the bus I had, and as fortune would have it I was close by, so I headshotted 2.

Third ran with a jeep.

Then a chopper appears, apparently part of the same crew scouting the area. They spot my camp, being a tent city that it is and the vehicle storage area. Bad luck because they were spread out before, and only today I gathered them together, or most of them, for the screen shot.

Well, 30 min later, I'm approaching the camp and I get ambushed from behind, chopper crew has blown up and or stolen everything and that's that.

It was a good 3 weeks worth. But that's the spirit of the game and the crew royally overplayed me. So, at least I got 2 of you, and I'm happy for that. :shy: Now to raid some cherno!

Good luck and happy travels!


Here's the link to what happened to my vehciles :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDVo4zC5bdI

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I would like to buy this vehical with a can of holly beans, im sure this payment is enough.

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lol i love this market that is created by the players themselves. I'd like the game to have very high value and very rare items you could trade.

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I would love to trade:












Sorry my bad, thats my early santa letter......................

will trade 2 holly beans + 2 mountain dew for the off-road.





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I've been thinking of selling a shitty car I have myself... Here's the question, HOW would one do this trade legitimately?

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I've been thinking of selling a shitty car I have myself... Here's the question' date=' HOW would one do this trade legitimately?


Get a sniper to cover you, or bring some goons with ya.

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Of course, but I'm thinking about both sides. Sure, I don't care if I die when I'm selling the car, I'll make sure I have nothing to lose on me.

But what about the person buying? If there's a bunch of people standing there with guns, what will they think?

Trading items is one thing, but a vehicle has condition, mobility, etc.

If a player looking to buy were to question the vehicle's condition, there's no way for them to ensure it's fine unless they get in, which would jeopardize the legitimacy of the trade.

Maybe the seller could pop a tire and then repair it before the buyer leaves? I have no idea. But someone needs to make a standard outline as to how a vehicle trade would take place before we try it.


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would nvg's for 2 atv's sound fair?

I could go 2 nvgs for one hog. These took alot of trouble to get fixed up n get safe. Group effort you see, so it wouldn't be realistic to hand out 2 hard earned fully fixed ATV's so one guy of the group can get NVGs.

Also, we can discuss details of the transaction in private. I'm certain we can come to an arrangement that will suffice for both parties.

We are strictly honorable with our intentions, but you don't have to take our word for it of course. We'll try to make sure it's fair for both sides.

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I'm happy to announce that we have just now procured a new white off-road pickup truck. That brings us up to two shiny off-road monsters.

Condolences to those who log in today to notice their pickup gone :sleepy:

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So tempted to log in to your server during your offpeak times and go hunting with my baggie of frag grenades. Dem burning hulks :blush:

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You guys might find this hard to believe with this time span (an hour from the last discovery) but I'm happy to announce we now have a fully operational UAZ ready for a transaction! :)

Sorry, the 2 guys I had to snipe inside the vehicle. You weren't as safe as you thought :( Had you not stopped where you did, you would still be alive and with your vehicle. Thanks for the GPS though :)

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We almost procured a military off-road as well, but the server crashed and the vehicle disappeared :(

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We have no takers?

Fr7 is stable when it comes to tents and cars but understandable if it not your home server...

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Aight I'll provide all the proof you will need tomorrow. I'll take a screenie of the full set for ya.

And no, we don't plan on fully refueling them, but we will inform how much fuel the vehicle in question has left and you'll need to bring your own fuel if needed / desired.

I haven't completely figured out the best way to do the trade, but I recon it should be something like 2 and 2 person exchange.


vehicle to be traded at location x.

goods to be traded at location y.


x is a generic location away from most random encounters of players and such disturbance, offers no sniping vantage, such as a hangar or a cliff side for instance etc...

y is an enterable building, to neutralize sniper threat.


x is decided by us.

y is decided by buyers.


Both parties meet a representative of the other group at locations a and b, both being close to their respective trade location.


Both parties determine that the other player has no gear with him. No backpack, no sidearm, no main weapon. Grenades etc can be made null with loot stocking (giving a determinate amount of items to be picked up), so picking the items up the other party is then making sure his inventory is empty.

When both parties at both exchange points have been checked and agree to continue to the trade, the goods holding representative then escorts the vehicle seller to the enterable house.

the person giving the goods enters the building first and picks up the weapon. Loot stocking is then used again to ensure the goods holder does not hold any ammunition if the vehicle holder is unable to see the loot pile before the goods holder picks up the item in question (in cases of weapons exchange only obviously).

When this has been established, the vehicle seller will then escort the buying party to the vehicle.

The buyer checks the vehicle and the condition (out of fuel / shot tyre to negate immediate grab and run).

He then proceeds to give the ok for the goods holder to give the item. Our party receives item and the buyer party is free to refuel / fix the tyre from a close refilling station with a jerrycan / tyre provided at the site.

Possibly it could be even more enforced if there was a player with a weapon from both parties far away but constantly in eyesight with a close quarters weapon. So if something goes amiss (no tyre or fuel is provided to get the vehicle going, or something fishy happens with the goods) the guard is then given the ok to rush to the location and rustle some jimmies?

This is somewhat complex, but this is an example of a trade that could be made. It's not perfect and free of loop holes, but then again it's impossible to perform a perfectly secure transaction.

Ideas or comments?

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So someone buys a vehicle off you. A week later you are out looking for more vehicles and you see one you like - only it is one you have previously traded for......

What's to stop you taking the vehicle back again?

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Quite simply nothing, and nothing should either! After the vehicle has left the site and driven god knows where you ppl figure it's safe to drive to, I'm most certainly going to hop in it and drive away wheels screeching yelling thanks for all the fish and at best killing a couple guys at it if I ever encounter the vehicle again.

It might be the same, it might be different. Might be the same guys, might be someone else. How am I to know and why I should I care? After the car has been sold and moved away, our business is concluded and our responsibility with the vehicle is lifted.

If ya can't keep it hidden well enough from anyone to find, that's your problem and I can only hope it's me who stumbled upon it and not someone else :rolleyes:

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The screenie is coming, just have to move some vehicles around n get them to fit!

In the meanwhile, we're still very much interested in trades for these fine shiny post apocalyptic wheels!

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I hope the trade goes wrong and you end up getting killed. Hoarding vehicles is the reason they are so impossible to find for normal players, and it's very scumbag behavior.

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