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About Player Class Traits

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I've seen the Day Z Mythbuster videos and one of their last myths didn't quite explain the whole story, so I just want to get it straight for future reference. I realize the standalone may change all this, but just give me the info as it works now.

Do Bandits more slower than Heroes AND Survivors, or do Survivors and Bandits have the same speed, while Heroes all faster overall?

Secondly, did anyone notice if Bandits leave footprints while other classes don't? This came up once while I was playing with some friends as my buddy accidently obtained Bandit status, and my other friend thought he noticed him leaving foot prints while he followed. I haven't heard anything about this before, so I brought the question here.

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I may of just missed em, but I have never seen footprints in the game.

Bandits get a passive buff to aiming and weather resist, I hear

Survivors get nothing I think.

Hero's are a little faster they say.

There was a thread on it not too long ago where some nice fella listed it all out. You'll have to find it though.

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