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battleye global 3065 issue

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I know this is very common, but my case is bit of wired, I was playing in a private server, I kept getting killed, so I think they might be hacking, so I decided to use hack and take them out. I downloaded a script hack and injected it, but while the OA was loading I convinced myself to shutdown since I'm fucking poor ass, then there goes a message like failed entry air_pmc.pbo, it was last night, and today I tried to fix it by reinstalling, it was fixed but when I joint the game it says it's a 3065 global ban. I'm wondering I was really banned or it's still like the issue long time ago. I tried to validate the file but still doesn't work, can you help me plz?

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You hacked you get banned. Unnegotiable.

I shut it down before entering the game, that's the point

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Someone tell him th

I shut it down before entering the game, that's the point

Someone tell him that he downloaded a CDkey stealer and not a real hack.

Now his CDkey is for sale for a couple of dollars.

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Someone tell him th

Someone tell him that he downloaded a CDkey stealer and not a real hack.

Now his CDkey is for sale for a couple of dollars.

if it's true, what do I do then? Buy a new OA or both OA and ARMA2?

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Hackers eventualy get burned.. Get over it.. no go play cod whil you wait for your parents to buy you a new game....

like what I said I was about using hacking for taking down a hacker who killed me multiple times, don't know why a muppet like you replied the post

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Your reasoning doesn't matter. Most likely hackers changed your cd-key in registry to banned cd-key and sold your cd-key as stated earlier by SqTH

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From my understanding you need to replace your mother- board and grafixs card ( with different ones ) because

BE bans are hardware related . So what u need to do is Format your pc and replace said hardware and you can play again .

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From my understanding you need to replace your mother- board and grafixs card ( with different ones ) because

BE bans are hardware related . So what u need to do is Format your pc and replace said hardware and you can play again .

Pic removed - Offensive.

Edited by Fraggle

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FR35 Admin has bad taste, but unfortunately buddy, joining the dark side doesn't make you a winner, especially if you don't know how to do it properly. Maybe next time you will just leave the server and forget about the douchebag you thought was hacking, it aint your problem to fix.

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Wow. Just wow. Dude, there is an issue with Battleye banning people that don't deserve it (I was one, got unbanned, yay!), but you just admitted to using a hack. Ban is totally valid; buy a new copy, never hack again.

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like what I said I was about using hacking for taking down a hacker who killed me multiple times, don't know why a muppet like you replied the post

Whatever logic you try and use to justify hacking, it won't cut it with anyone here. Contact Battleye or buy Arma again.

*Thread locked.

Edited by Fraggle
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