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sibexus - Problem with tents still?

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So I was happy about the possibility of tents working now, logged onto a random server this morning and decided to make it my new home because of the time zone... I have two accounts and used one of them to place a tent then used my other account to run around looting and filled it up with goodies. I had saved it multiple times then went to work. When I get home from work I checked the tent and it was empty again. The server had definitely restarted because the MOTD stated the restart times. Due to the location of the tent and how it was hidden I'm pretty sure it wasn't found and looted, also there were items in it that one just wouldn't loot...

There are two things I can think of that might have happened.

1. The tent was too close to trees.

2. The tent was in my inventory before the patch.

Could anyone shed some light on what could have possibly happened? Can anyone confirm that tents are actually working as intended now?

Edited by Sibexus

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Tents are working fully, updated our server, placed a tent down, put item in it, saved the tent, took the item, restarted the server, items were back in the tent.

Works fine for us, the tree thing isn't the problem, we tested that.

The only issue i've found with tents is placing one, saving it, then re-packing it up. On server restart the tent seems to be packed up in my backpack and also pitched on the ground I took it from, having like 13tents under a tree cause you keep moving it to hide it that little bit better is frustrating!

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I had similar experience though after second restart tent kept stuff - Server was just recently updated to and I pitched a tent and put some goodies in. After server restart everything had disappeared. I put more stuff into it and after next server restart, stuff was still there... I placed tent into uphill but does it count?

Vehicles are working fine although after fixing 'em their state doesn't save... I run a pickup truck to concrete block and flat my left front tire and when I was going to fix it up... saving the vehicle insta-fixed it lol

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Tents are working fully, updated our server, placed a tent down, put item in it, saved the tent, took the item, restarted the server, items were back in the tent.

Works fine for us, the tree thing isn't the problem, we tested that.

The only issue i've found with tents is placing one, saving it, then re-packing it up. On server restart the tent seems to be packed up in my backpack and also pitched on the ground I took it from, having like 13tents under a tree cause you keep moving it to hide it that little bit better is frustrating!

It sounds like you're saying tents are working fully because they are duping items? So you placed a tent, put stuff in, saved it, took stuff out and after restart the items were there?

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Tents are working fully, updated our server, placed a tent down, put item in it, saved the tent, took the item, restarted the server, items were back in the tent.

Works fine for us, the tree thing isn't the problem, we tested that.

The only issue i've found with tents is placing one, saving it, then re-packing it up. On server restart the tent seems to be packed up in my backpack and also pitched on the ground I took it from, having like 13tents under a tree cause you keep moving it to hide it that little bit better is frustrating!

So, you are saying that tents are working because they are still duping.

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So I was happy about the possibility of tents working now, logged onto a random server this morning and decided to make it my new home because of the time zone... I have two accounts and used one of them to place a tent then used my other account to run around looting and filled it up with goodies. I had saved it multiple times then went to work. When I get home from work I checked the tent and it was empty again. The server had definitely restarted because the MOTD stated the restart times. Due to the location of the tent and how it was hidden I'm pretty sure it wasn't found and looted, also there were items in it that one just wouldn't loot...

There are two things I can think of that might have happened.

1. The tent was too close to trees.

2. The tent was in my inventory before the patch.

Could anyone shed some light on what could have possibly happened? Can anyone confirm that tents are actually working as intended now?

can you confirm what server you were playing on? i found a tent in the middle of nowhere in a forest near ztrenlengo(?) or something cant remember how it´s spelled.

I found a AS50 and a DMR and some ammo n medical supplies, i think the server was GB#18 or GB#00.

I bet they/him/her wasent expecting me to find it there either!

EDIT: My tent is working fine no problem at all and my car aswell. :)

Edited by zappyspocket

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I had similar experience though after second restart tent kept stuff - Server was just recently updated to and I pitched a tent and put some goodies in. After server restart everything had disappeared. I put more stuff into it and after next server restart, stuff was still there... I placed tent into uphill but does it count?

Vehicles are working fine although after fixing 'em their state doesn't save... I run a pickup truck to concrete block and flat my left front tire and when I was going to fix it up... saving the vehicle insta-fixed it lol

nice :D i always keep spare parts and wheels in the trunk of the car and some Fuel aswell :)

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So last night I put up a new tent, put a few items in it and saved it a few times. Woke up this morning, tent is gone and not in my pack either. Server is US 2838. This tent as well was in my pack before the new patch.

Edited by Sibexus

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Picked up a new tent from market, placed it in the woods, put gear in and saved it, disconnected for a few hrs, came back everything looked liked it saved. A buddy came on made a loot run, put more stuff in, he gave me m9sd +2 mags so i put g17 in tent and saved it, disconnected (4hrs) later...after server restart G17 is gone...dont think it was found cause all the extra mags are still in tent along with better stuff than the G17.

Anyone else experience this? How often can you save and does hive keep up?

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All these people saying "There's no way anyone can find my tent".

I have sheets of paper filled with map coordinates for tents for each server I play on - and I expect tens of thousands of other people do too.

If your stuff is 'disappearing' from your tent, chances are it is NOT a tent bug, it's just one of the cuckoos who come along to your hoarded nest of goodies and 'liberate' items at will.

There's nowhere to hide a tent where it can't be found due to Arma 2 engine's removal of extraneous graphical complexity at distance - ie your precious tree branches aren't rendered at distance - but your tent is, and it sticks out like a MBa at a Nascar event.

Edited by malau

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All these people saying "There's no way anyone can find my tent".

I have sheets of paper filled with map coordinates for tents for each server I play on - and I expect tens of thousands of other people do too.

If your stuff is 'disappearing' from your tent, chances are it is NOT a tent bug, it's just one of the cuckoos who come along to your hoarded nest of goodies and 'liberate' items at will.

There's nowhere to hide a tent where it can't be found due to Arma 2 engine's removal of extraneous graphical complexity at distance - ie your precious tree branches aren't rendered at distance - but your tent it, and it sticks out like a MBa at a Nascar event.

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All these people saying "There's no way anyone can find my tent".

I have sheets of paper filled with map coordinates for tents for each server I play on - and I expect tens of thousands of other people do too.

If your stuff is 'disappearing' from your tent, chances are it is NOT a tent bug, it's just one of the cuckoos who come along to your hoarded nest of goodies and 'liberate' items at will.

There's nowhere to hide a tent where it can't be found due to Arma 2 engine's removal of extraneous graphical complexity at distance - ie your precious tree branches aren't rendered at distance - but your tent it, and it sticks out like a MBa at a Nascar event.

Do these cuckoos also steal empty tin cans, empty whiskey bottles and copious amounts of flares that are put in tents just to test of they work? If so, then cuckoos indeed.

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Logged in after having tents up for several days...Nothing in them everything Gone!

If someone found them.... Why would they take the yellow flashlight? everyone starts with one..

Edited by PapaTango69

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Tents are not always working.

Some won't hold loot at all

Some won't hold until reset

Some hold perfectly fine... but then vanish.

This might be because they literally vanished in a reset, or because every tent we have placed has owner issues. The person who places it may or may not be able to save it, and cannot pack the tent - but everyone ELSE can.

In other words... just lol.

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placed 3 tents today, filled each up completely. Only 1 out of the 3 worked correctly.

1. place tent

2. put stuff in

3. save tent

4. smash face into screen after server restart

5. go play something else until I get bored again

Edited by Sibexus

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