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Hackers on US-2266

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Ran into a couple of Hackers on the US-2266 server tonight near the NWAF flying in a Huey Chopper (time roughly 6pm EST. and was over 45mins long)

Note: I was wearing a Ghillie suit and using sound to track their movements around the area. The Map below shows the movements of myself and their approach/receed directions


I logged in on the North-Eastern side of the NWAF North barracks, after sweeping the barracks and the Northern hangers I decided to Leave the area and began heading East. I was outside the wall and hidden in the base of a Pine tree when I heard the Huey coming at me from the East. I was completely invisible inside the Pine tree with the tree trunk itself between me and the Huey.

First map point: The Huey settle in over my head and began firing into the base of the trees around me while "littlenathan7" taunted me over local chat.They spent 2 mins circle above me while I kept moving to keep the tree trunk between myself and them. I Relised I was to close to the airport and the zombies were still present so they knew I was close or they'd of dissapeared. I resolved I was dead and popped out and opened fire on the Gunner with an AK-74. I emptied the full 30rnd clip into the side of the Huey and they quickly flew off. Circling out over the AF heading south. When they were outside audible range I headed off at full run to the North.

Note: I only displaced from one tree to another while I could NOT hear the Huey,

Second map point: I stopped under another tree a ways away from the first possition to listen and calm down (heart was pounding). After sitting under the tree(Trunk between me and the south) for 3 minutes I heard the Huey coming in again from the SE. It settle over top of my tree again shooting up the base next to my tree. while still using the trunk between me and them we circled for 2+mins before they suddenly took off to the West and circled over the AF again. I realised the 6/6 zombie count was because there was a Deer stand nearby and took off North as soon as I couldn't hear them anymore.

Third map point: I stopped short of the open field to listen cause I heard them once again coming in from the South-East. This time instead of stopping over top of me they only slowed and then Took off to the West-North-West and I heard them Open fire constently at something off in the distence (I'm assuming it was another player). They continued off to the West and once I couldn't hear them anymore I headed off at a full Run north trying to get as far away as I could.

Note: Zombie is 0/0 from now on so they had no way of tracking my movements from zombies.

Fourth/Final map point: I felt I was as far north as I could get and hidden in a clump of 5 Pine trees in the northern most tree base of the group. I heard nothing for over 10 mins (enough time to relax and have a smoke) after ~12mins i heard the Huey coming in from the south once again. I checked the zombie count and it was 0/0 and while I was trying to figure out how the hell they had found me I took a quick screenshot with the player names up, and the Huey shown above my clump of trees once again. Without any wasted time they quickly moved right and the gunner mowed me down in the exact tree base I was under(of 5 possible).

The two people involved were "littlenathan7" (saw in text chat)

and "Niggaz Cheeze Sawces" (only person whose where-abouts I didn't know on the server)


Names circled in red, Huey circled in Yellow

Edit: Sorry hl chat he used Direct Chat... And there is no way he would be able to know WHO I was to name me???

Edited by Acesfury
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Hi Aces! My friends Kaboom and Race Tech also play on 2266. Found another Scripter / hacker who teleported to our postition after we legitimitely killed him. His name was Carter. Pretty lame. He was driving a V32 truck in Berezino. We shot him from the truck, and then while we were looting his body he teleported behind us and dared us to kill him again.

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