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Looking for a few like minded clans

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I have been thinking for a while that the only way to keep out the hackers is by pass protecting the server. "play by yourself" youre thinking? nay. I am suggesting that a few reputable clans get together and game on a locked hack free server:

-Competitive clan gameplay.

-No hackers.

-Make friends/enemies.

Of course there will be ways of verifying the integrity of other clans and membership will be highly selective, but i think most people have had enough of spending hours looting and killing just to be killed by a sad tween making up for his shit upbringing by rage hacking servers.

The point to my post? If interested, either post or PM if you would like to have a private server or know of other clans who already have something of this nature set up. Discussion is also encouraged. I am also amused by flamers as I like reading from the mongers who hate on good ideas. I enjoy watching poopy pants cry babies waste their time on me.

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I'm interested in having more info about this, I'm currently starting a team of DayZ in a european based multigaming clan and I'm really searching for something like this!

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one of our guys mentioned this tonight. Since now playing the game is pointless. Hackers teleport to all the tents on server and killem. I hated the fact that they dupe on every reset but it evened the score as far as hackers go. Now all our groups gear will be there for a day or 2 which is on average how long it takes for a hacker to teleport to all the tents in the server and drop satchels on them.

Vehicles get teleported daily so thats wholly unreliable.

I think its a good idea if we get enough people on side to fill a server. Whats the syst req for private hive? any idea?

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Sounds pretty sweet. Even 2 big clans based in different areas of the map would cool, work together more with clan mates and better pvp vs enemy clan.

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We could very conveniently gain from someone having a server already set up. PM me if you have a server or your clan is interested in playing in a private, hacker free clan warz server.

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one of our guys mentioned this tonight. Since now playing the game is pointless. Hackers teleport to all the tents on server and killem. I hated the fact that they dupe on every reset but it evened the score as far as hackers go. Now all our groups gear will be there for a day or 2 which is on average how long it takes for a hacker to teleport to all the tents in the server and drop satchels on them.

Vehicles get teleported daily so thats wholly unreliable.

I think its a good idea if we get enough people on side to fill a server. Whats the syst req for private hive? any idea?

Not sure about the sys requirements but if someone could host it for free/cheap that would be ideal. The main problem with the idea a couple months back was figuring out how to populate it enough to justify paying for it. We need to have sufficient level of gamers in it most of the time and the only way is to get 6-8 clans with 10+ people who play at least a few days per week. The hard part is varifying that no dirty players get in so this will have to be done with great consideration. A basic "background" check of the clans/players can be easily performed and once we have a couple clans checked and cleared for battle, the server could be a great place for setting up bases/tents/vehicles. I am open to get together and discuss the options.

A frequently asked question is if the clans are US or EU. I think thats a minor problem as if we set up and successfully run a server on either continent, we can set up on the other side.

Having a sterile place to share the server info and rules/regulation(which should be few) wont be hard to come by as I know my clan is reputable with a solid forum.

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Sounds pretty sweet. Even 2 big clans based in different areas of the map would cool, work together more with clan mates and better pvp vs enemy clan.

Absolutely! thats kind of the idea. I would however like to take it further and in the near future have a scrim date where say 8 clans attempt to get the biggest amount kills! the whole idea at the very least is to keep the scriptkiddies out and the hardcore gamers in...

Hope more clans show their interest..

Amen brother!

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My private server (denalb us1) will be implementing a whitelist to protect the server from random scripters joining. I would love to have clans call my server home. The only issue right now is that I need to keep the max players at 40 to keep the load times down.

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Hey guys, left a message on our steam group Page and I think one guy has replied. I'm at work this weekend so getting time to ask them is a bit tricky but if any of you chaps wanna leave a message there the group Page is


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Were looking into a server and setting up the forums for clans to gather and interact. we also have twitchtv users who will actively promote your clan thorugh killing you... any clans interested, please pm me for details and express your interest

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Were currently talking with clans about getting the server running and setting up clan war parameters. The server will be locked and each clan will be screened for bad gaming history. If you are interested in getting yout clan involved, drop me a pm.

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What about a cluster of servers with a shared hive and one or more extra servers to compete on?

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What about a cluster of servers with a shared hive and one or more extra servers to compete on?

This is something I can do, but I haven't found much information about how to actually set up a private hive. Anyone willing to help would be cool..

PM me

Edited by thesidetalker

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What about a cluster of servers with a shared hive and one or more extra servers to compete on?

Thats a great idea down the road, we need to find clans to populate such a massive game structure. We have a private server, bliss hive (for now), and we intend on AT LEAST 4 different clans 5-10 members each. Each clan will recieve a 1/4 section of the map to call their own, for a few days, the clans will loot and build their base in a secret location somewhere in their sector. Upon completion the short "cease fire", the clans will compete in free for all engagement, looting and killing by any means (within the parameters of the game, absolutely no hacks/scripts/etc). This structure pushes clans to find, loot, repair, and bunker down for the coming war!

My clan will provide forums for trash talk, stat listing and screen shot posts featuring the distruction and pwnage! We'll let the server ride, NO RESETS, until there is a concensus from the participating clans to run it back. As this community grows, we can have 6-8 clans set up on the map with a 60 slot private, hacker free server. Once we get our fill and are ready to expand, will will support multple servers with a handful of clans calling one of the few servers home. then the raids will be on a much bigger, more epic level!

The most important part to this plan is that we find reputable clans that share a respect for clean, fun, competitive gaming. Hacking/scripting will not be tolerated and precautions are already made to screen, prevent, and protect against that type of cowardly behavior. MOST of us game to have fun, and forget the aggrevations of RL.

We have spoken to 2 other clans who are commited to our vision, the qustion is, will you join us?

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This sounds really awesome. Me and a few friends were recently playing on a private hive that had a few different clans and 50 vehicles on the map. Made for some fun and interesting combat and interactions. Too bad they got really mad at us after we raped them at stary and locked the server because they want to "play nice" and not have any bandits on their server.

Edited by LeReidy

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This sounds really awesome. Me and a few friends were recently playing on a private hive that had a few different clans and 50 vehicles on the map. Made for some fun and interesting combat and interactions. Too bad they got really mad at us after we raped them at stary and locked the server because they want to "play nice" and not have any bandits on their server.

We def don't "play nice", this is going to be kill on sight.

"blood will be spilt, men will be ruined"

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lets do it! We have a nice consistent group of people that play together. Come in and check us out, this is Lingor Island!

80+ vehicles and 3 choppers. Lots of action! port 2302

also have teamspeak IP if you and your teamates need a place to talk/communicate

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