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Can't see health and all that anymore after update?!

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After I took the update I can't see how much life I have and all up in the right corner can someone explain ?

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To quote Dean/Rocket -

"[NEW] Three UI options available: Default (indicators only), Debug (indicators + debug window), None (only base ArmA2 UI)"

* To change your DayZ UI options, go to OPTIONS > GAME OPTIONS > DayZ UI. This will only affect the DayZ UI elements, unfortunately it is not saving to the config file so each time you restart ArmA2 you will need to change this setting.

* You will receive a serialization warning in game when changing the DayZ UI option, just ignore it by clicking continue it will be gone in next update.

* DayZ UI Debug option is not working properlly (no debug indicator at the moment). deal-with-it.jpg

I wouldn't suggest putting the debug option back on as, when having the debug indicator up, the UI doesn't currently keep your blood/thirst/hunger/temperature up to date. Best to just enjoy the new sense of immersion my friend :)

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Use the "default" Dayz UI in order to see your current blood/thirst/hunger/temperature and "debug" option to see your health, zombie count, humanity level, etc...


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In English that means it was in the patch notes, and that the debug monitor is gone.

Your way was much easier :)

nvm found it, thanks JamesButlin.

No problem mate!

Edited by JamesButlin

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