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Pennywise (DayZ) buggy?

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The Debug Monitor can be put back on the screen via Game Options. But still the icons are buggy from time to time. After relogg it apears correct (sometimes). I logged in yesterday on the airfield with no debug monitor and constant green icons. Suddenly I lost 6k HP and afterwards 10 HP every few seconds. Dont know if I maybe was shooted with a pistol or maybe starved..after bandaging the bleeding continued so I relogged and found myself truly starving. If starving, do you loose this ammount of HP (like 6k HP)? Or did I really got shot?

Yup, 10 blood per second. If i pull up the Debug monitor, all my health indicators stay bright green. I lost 4k blood yesterday whilst starving. At first i thought i got sick, but thought it strange that i wasnt coughing. THEN i noticed i was losing more than 3 blood per second. I ate and it stopped. I haven't tried disabling the debug monitor after its been up a while to see if it would correct the status icons.

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Only issue I've noticed so far is that the heat measurement icon turns black once you start and warm yourself next to a fire. It stays black until you abort and login again. A bit annoying but so far I haven't had any real issues with the new patch other than that.

Edited by johan

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It's fun how they pass a bug (hud not working) as a "feature" .. coz the debug monitor will be removed eventually in the future.. lol.

2) You don't know your blood level: loosing colors doesn't works at all.. it depends of the server settings and hours of time, sometime you can see with shaved colors at 11k bloods.. and in full color with only 8k blood.. just because of the different hour of the day. So you don't know how much you need to eat, or if you really need a transfusion to recover your full blood.

That's not a debug monitor, it shows essential informations. I agree,we don't need the number of zeds spawned, neither how many zeds we killed in real time.. but WE NEED the blood level and humanity level, until the icons are reliable enough. I stay with on private hive (no glitches) until you deploy a proper hotfix, coz you fixed the major issue but introducing come annoying others.

Great points about blood. I looked at it from both sides and having a blood meter / number is essential. In real life your 'full of blood' unless of severe trauma then you could possibly loose enough to effect your vision / strength. The vision aspect of this game cannot be counted on to determine your blood level, the shading changes the colors depending on the time of day, the weather, if your in shade etc. You cannot determine your blood level solely on the color of your screen. To eliminate any kind of blood meter they would have to code in natural regeneration of blood, you take some hits by a zombie, you eat a can of food or 2 here and there and rest and over time you will regain full blood.

Then you have to consider the people playing that have color blindness, or other sight issues. I play with a friend who is color blind, he couldn't tell if it's getting dark or if he's down on blood givin his condition.

Rocket said it best in an interview I watched, he was questioned about something that was 'unreal' in the game, he replied which essentially was that at some point you have to accept some unrealness aspects along with the realism because this whole mod /game revolves around something that does not exist......Zombies.

An actual meter or something that shows your blood level and maybe some other stats has a rightful and justifiable place in DayZ

Edited by jelly2m8

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There's no way to tell if your screen is losing color at Night. I mainly play at night and everything is black and white anyway.

The blinking + is all good and the blood drop icon will change to pink or red when you're low, but without a numerical display or changing the icon to show a empty/full graph

It's not possible to tell whether you're just under 9000 or just above 9000. Should I eat a steak or get a blood bag now? Or should I wait?

you're gonna have to learn to play different

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I find this patch has some huge bugs, such as the one that got on my nerves the most. Me and my group got a bus, a ural, and a daz and put them in our base, server updated and boom... all vehicles got flushed and no vehicles spawned.

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I got banned because of

Apparently it said i had numerous bad serial keys, and now gave me a global ban #3065

God damn it.

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as rocket said :P in release notes...

"deal with it"

That pretty much sums it up. it's a rushed hotfix to try combat the large quantity of dupping going on.... Just have to remind you all we're still in ALPHA phase.

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At first it was very hard for me that the Debugmonitor is not there anymore.

But now it's no a problem to play without it.

You can play with the normal display also well , after a short time you will be able to know when you must gave you a blood transfusion or eat smthing.

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I think u can turn the debug monitor on and off. However, it said that the artifacts would be fixed, but im still getting them. Typical rocket patch XD

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I think u can turn the debug monitor on and off. However, it said that the artifacts would be fixed, but im still getting them. Typical rocket patch XD

it said the artifacts from dead soldiers. are they still giving you artifacts, or is it barbed wire?

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I think u can turn the debug monitor on and off. However, it said that the artifacts would be fixed, but im still getting them. Typical rocket patch XD

Yup, you need to constant switch the debug monitor on and off, it is a pretty annoying bug... sadly there's no other indicator (ie: during the night) of your current status (normally a person should know easily if he's bleeding.. if he lost much blood.. and stuff like that).

The artifacts have been fixed for the dead soldiers but sadly not for the barbwire, so they still there in certain places (unfortunately they are many), they half fixed the bug *but* they introduced new bugs as well (the already mentioned hud icons bug.. the vehicles not saving fuel.. etc.).

...waiting for a proper patch, hoping it won't be another step back. :(

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Ya, I don't see rocket getting rid of GPS AND waypoints. He is getting to the point that you're going to make this game too realistic and people won't be able to get certain indications. Stomach rumbling? Give me a break. Over zombies, the coast, people talking, you will not hear your stomach rumbling in a game. In real life, you would know when you are hungry due to lack of energy and the pain in your stomach. The growl is just an after effect. I don't think people understand that you don't have all of your senses in a video game and that you have to leave certain elements to make up for that. Such as the food and drink icon. If you want to make it so that you start to slow down if you are dehydrated or hungry, okay fine. But to take it away and add a stomach rumbling? k

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running and shit ain't saving. well it does for like 4 or 5 days, and then its just gone. tents and all

-edit, and we regularly access the tents and vehicles but it doesnt seem to matter the less used ones despawn with the most used ones all the same, wire and tank traps as well.

Edited by JackONeill

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