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Dedicated Clan Section in Forums

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Sup guys,

Whenever I'm on Survivor HQ section of the forum, I will happen to come across a couple threads about others wanting to team up with people. I see no problem with this whatsoever. But every one of these threads I go into, there's always one of those clan recruiters trying to recruit onto their squad.

At first, this wasn't a problem. But lately it's gotten very repetitive; see a "looking for players" thread and yep, sure enough, there's a clan recruiter in there trying to pull them into the group.

So instead of having these recruiters spam the same "join our amazing clan!" message I suggest the idea of a dedicated section in the Survivor HQ for Clans and organised groups alike.

Not only would this make it much easier for those looking ideally for a clan, it would give said person a selection where they can pick a clan to their delight and specific demands. Furthermore, it would give recruitment officers and those in charge of recruiting a lot less work to do since they'd only have to make one thread in this dedicated area and stop them getting needless post counts from going thread to thread telling the OP to join them.

I don't see any downsides to this other than perhaps investing the time to code such a string of section. But that's why I've posted it here, to see if you guys can give perhaps some positive encouragement for such a development or any constructive criticism.

Thanks for reading,

- Toast

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Makes sense.

By that same logic we might as well have a 'Looking for Clan' forum section as well.

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