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Making small clan/group of mature players for serious operations and some fun

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Hi, i am making a small clan or a large group of players, to have fun and plan some occasional operations.

I am looking for mature +16 players with some experience in dayz or at least with good sense of direction and good map use.

We are mostly roaming/flying around looking for tents and some occasional firefights in city's

We do organize made up missions just for fun of it. Here is one called "Operation beer keg"

We have TeamSpeak3 server.

Post a quick app.

IGN: Kris

Age: 25

Location: UK

How long you play dayz: 2 months

Time you usually play: 13pm - 6am GMT 0

Skype: Debesukaleejs

Post an app here and contact me on skype i will give you TS3 access.

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Hi, good luck with your clan. If you get things up and running, give me a shout. We might be up for some kind of affiliation or even friendly scrimming.

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Hey there,

You're pretty much offering exactly what i'm looking for.

Some short info about me:

Nickname: Djabber

Real name: Jasper

Age: 23

Location: Holland

Playtime dayz: About 2/3 months aswell. Racked up about 200/300 hours and can safely say i've got good aim and gamesense. Mainly because i'm quite a veteran at the FPS scene.

Time you usually play: Really depens, i'm quite active though :)

Either pm me on here or add me on steam (if you even use that)

Steam: dj*AT*bber.nl

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Hey there,

You're pretty much offering exactly what i'm looking for.

Some short info about me:

Nickname: Djabber

Real name: Jasper

Age: 23

Location: Holland

Playtime dayz: About 2/3 months aswell. Racked up about 200/300 hours and can safely say i've got good aim and gamesense. Mainly because i'm quite a veteran at the FPS scene.

Time you usually play: Really depens, i'm quite active though :)

Either pm me on here or add me on steam (if you even use that)

Steam: dj*AT*bber.nl

hey, add me on steam cant find you. private_Marine

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Seems similar to what im looking for, you have already seen my post but here is my app!

IGN: Opposite2u

AGE: 23

Location: UK

Playing Time: 2-3 Months

Time you usually play: Whenever

Add me via steam, I don't use skype, usually use TS3 - Opposite2u

If you have any problems just reply. Thanks!

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Seems similar to what im looking for, you have already seen my post but here is my app!

IGN: Opposite2u

AGE: 23

Location: UK

Playing Time: 2-3 Months

Time you usually play: Whenever

Add me via steam, I don't use skype, usually use TS3 - Opposite2u

If you have any problems just reply. Thanks!

Sent an invite

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Hey i'm looking for that kind of EU squad

Nickname: YeLL

Real name: John

Age: 24

Location: France

Playtime dayz: About 2 months, I know much about pvp and protection operations.

Time you usually play: On week-end mainly because i'm in the military during the week :P

You can PM me or Skype or Steam whatever just let me know :)

Steam: picc0lo_@hotmail.com (first o is a zero)

Skype: tetard33140

Edited by YeLL

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IGN: Kenny or Bambi

Age: 20

Location: Wales

How long you play dayz: Month and a half

Time you usually play: Afternoons to evenings

Skype: james-kenny

Edited by JKenny

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IGN: Devmagic

Age: 23

Location: READING!! UK

How long: 2 months

Time: Evenings mainly but whenever

Skype: Devmagic18

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IGN: Devmagic

Age: 23

Location: READING!! UK

How long: 2 months

Time: Evenings mainly but whenever

Skype: Devmagic18


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IGN: Kenny or Bambi

Age: 20

Location: Wales

How long you play dayz: Month and a half

Time you usually play: Afternoons to evenings

Skype: james-kenny

I cant find you on skype to many james there look for me instead: Debesukaleejs

Edited by dub_Kris_step

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IGN: Soundblaster

Age: 16

Location: The Netherlands

How long you play dayz: Since it was released I am a Arma 2 Veteran played it for 2 years as marksman

Time you usually play: 4pm - 11am GMT +1

Skype: soundblasternl

Edited by Soundblaster

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Hey, still looking for players.

Yesterday i found an ARMA 2OA server with an interesting plugin, gameplay is fun lots of action and teamplay is essential, so we could play that one to.

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IGN: Blarr

Age: 20

Location: Uk

How long you play dayz: About a month

Time you usually play: 14:00-23:00 GMT

Skype: briget0071

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How Long Have You Played Day Z?: 2-3 Months

Time You Usually Play?: Morning, Noon and Night :)

Skype: Never used it but not a problem (Normally on TeamSpeak)



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IGN: Luke

Age: 31

Location: UK

How Long Have You Played Day Z: 2 months+

Time You Usually Play?: 7:30pm till about 1am

Skype: Never used it but have TS3

Steam name: The Raccoon

Would really like to join up with you guys :)

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