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Unbelievable luck

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On Thursday, my friend and I came across the aftermath of a firefight in Zub. We cleared the tower, and then nervously looted the dead, certain that we would be attacked at any moment. I found an M4A3 CCO with 4 mags, as well as a camoflauge uniform.

We made it out safely, and I changed into the camo skin. Then we logged out.

When I logged in the next day, I was treading water, a kilometer from shore. My M4A3 was gone. This really sucked, because I still hand't had a chance to use it in game. In the Armory missions, I was really impressed with its performance, and was looking forward to firing it. When I spawned in the ocean and knew that it was gone forever, I was crestfallen.

I posted in the debug spawn forum about my plight. Then the forum reset, and the thread was gone.

By Monday, I was really missing playing DayZ, so I said to hell with it and swam to shore. When I was finally able to open my gear, I found that I had lost everything except my map, knife etc., my M24 and ammo (which was thankfully in my bag), and a can of Coke.

The Coke quenched my thirst, and was the only thing that saved me. Playing on an easy mode server, I saw on the map that I was not far at all from the forest southwest of Kamenka. So I ran for a few minutes and made it there, having lost 5000 units of blood. Without that drink, I would have been on death's door by the time I reached the woods.

My friend and I met up and helped restore my health, (though logging in on a daylight server kicked my blood level back up to 11,000 anyway) and travelled north to start hitting some deer stands and a barn.

We had just checked one deer stand, and were about 50 meters into the tree line when we heard shots. My friend wanted to take off, but I insisted on sticking around. The shots were fairly close, but they weren't directed at us. We figured the shooter must have been going after the zombies around the deer stand.

Sure enough, after a few minutes a survivor ran to the deer stand and climbed to the top. I hastily switched to my M24, and killed him.

When I went to check out his loot, what gun did he have?

The M4A3 CCO.

With the magazine I looted, and the 3 SD magazines that my friend was kind enough to hold on to, I was now essentially right back to where I was before the spawn bug.

I guess the moral is, never give up hope - you don't know when the Fates will smile upon you.

Oh, and check deer stands for loot BEFORE killing the zeds and giving away your position.

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