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Vilayer.com is releasing a DayZ Takistan Map

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Hey guys, Spoonfed here.

I have it on good authority that Vilayer.com is about to release the first iteration of their DayZ Takistan Map.

It to the best of my knowledge will be like Lingor and require a Client Side download which they will probably

assist DayZ Commander in setting up a download option like they did for Lingor.

This is going to be released as a part of Vilayers DayZPackage Server Option. Worth every penny. Servers

are lag free, logins are near instantaneous. Tents and Vehicles have been saving properly for weeks.

PM me if you want a referral. Otherwise they are not hard to find.

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They were play testing it yesterday, the way Lee was describing it sounded real fun :)

Btw have you got the latest update for your server? I got an email this morning saying it's ready to install in the ACP but it's not :(

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DayZ on Takinstan?

Not sure if I'm gonna like that...

DayZ should be played in large areas with enough natural cover, where as Takistan is mostly desert, sand and some trees here and there...

The only, non green, map I would like to see with DayZ is Fallujah. A large city surounded by desert, which forces you to stay between the buildings and therfor zeds, otherwise you get sniped since no cover is available.

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Vilayer.com ... Servers

are lag free, logins are near instantaneous ...

One does not simply say Villayer and insta-login int the same sentence.

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One does not simply say Villayer and insta-login int the same sentence.

I speak from my experience, I can't speak for yours.

@Sye I got that email too. Thats for the Official Hive Servers I believe. I run on the private hive because the admin rules on official are just plain dumb. The private hive doesn't the update as the tents and vehicles already work. However if they actually fixed the artifacting, it will be worth porting over, Lee is looking into it and said if so, it will be done.

They've been going pretty hard on the Takistan map lately I can't wait.

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I speak from my experience, I can't speak for yours.

@Sye I got that email too. Thats for the Official Hive Servers I believe. I run on the private hive because the admin rules on official are just plain dumb. The private hive doesn't the update as the tents and vehicles already work. However if they actually fixed the artifacting, it will be worth porting over, Lee is looking into it and said if so, it will be done.

They've been going pretty hard on the Takistan map lately I can't wait.

Hmm one of the admins installed the latest patch and came onto our server for the screen to start flashing saying he had the wrong version! I really want Lee to update to the latest because

A - We will lose players


B - The artifacting is game breaking and needs sorting asap! People are constantly asking me to see if i can delete the dead soldier bodies.

Edited by sye73

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logins are near instantaneous.

Lies, Logins are the same as any other hive. when the server is near full expect to wait 5 minutes. You say this is on your experience. have you adjusted the server in any way which could effect this?

B - The artifacting is game breaking and needs sorting asap! People are constantly asking me to see if i can delete the dead soldier bodies.

Since I updated and rolled back I have had no artifacting as I mentioned when we ran through stary yesterday. perhaps there is no need for an update and one of the files has just simply been adjusted.

Edited by Madnessx9

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Lies, Logins are the same as any other hive. when the server is near full expect to wait 5 minutes. You say this is on your experience. have you adjusted the server in any way which could effect this?

Not lies, once it takes me more than a minute or two to login, I simply restart our server and Im logging in again so fast I don't even see setup completed.

Since I updated and rolled back I have had no artifacting as I mentioned when we ran through stary yesterday. perhaps there is no need for an update and one of the files has just simply been adjusted.

They are going to be rolling out the update, its just not going to be instantly. They want to make sure that our friends the DayZ devs didnt break anything important. And that is an interesting thought, Lee did say the models got corrupted in one of the updates, the roll back may not have done anything with that file after it was replaced.

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Vilayer keep adding new shit? How about working on supporting what you already have.

Yea, because screw new content everyone should just tread water and not push the envelope (rolling my eyes as I type this, come on man).

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Vilayer keep adding new shit? How about working on supporting what you already have.

There is nothing wrong with adding new stuff. Content drives the game, I was bored as hell of DayZ and then Lingor Island popped up.

Now Utes, dont care so much myself for it, and Takistan REALLY want to get into that one.

As for supporting what they already have, they just released a major updated that includes and MANY more huge bug fixes to the Private Hive Package Servers.

Heres a list that seems to be just some of their major fixes from my email:

ViCode 1.1 Update (DayZChernarus, DayZLingor, DayZUtes and DayZTakistan (To be released) )

#113 Implement reserved slots duplicate

#111 Better error logging feature invalid

#108 Fixed db_spawn_vehicles.pl

#107 Typo in proc_getSchedulerTasks bug

#106 Problem logging in after migration to 0.08

#105 NewSchema branch issues bug

#104 Bind characters to specific instance

#103 Add instance information to log_entry feature db

#100 Whitelist checker and realtime connected/disconnect player status

#99 Tents are not deleted when packed invalid

#98 Humanity should persist on character death bug duplicate

#97 Not all vehicles spawning

#96 Suggested enhancements for vehicles.pl feature

#95 Humanity not updated correctly bug duplicate

#94 Add support for --cleanup --world lingor to vehicles.pl feature [ For server admins that want to wipe all tents and items on their server ]

#92 High Player Count Complaints. [ Improved logging in time, fixed long connection times as well ]

#91 Revised Schema

#90 Add helicopter crash locations to diagnostic logs feature

#89 Inventory/position resets for some characters on login bug

#88 Delay in login on reconnect bug invalid [ See Item #92 ]

#87 Cannot connect to MySQL server [ Resolved Mysql Issues, High load and cleaned up SQL code ]

#86 Update name in main when player changes profile or name. duplicate feature

#85 Intermittently killed when ejecting from helicopter bug

#84 Pipe characters in database lead to character inventory/position resets wont fix

#83 Helicopter crash sites do not have fire effect bug [ Fixed Gun Fire and Added More Fire Objects ]

#82 Clean up setup script feature [ See Item #94 ]

#80 Lingor custom loadouts are not working bug


[NEW] Bear trap has chance to spawn on infected hunters

[FIXED] Graphical glitches with dead bodies (Bodies should now not display graphical glitches)

[NEW] Three UI options available: Default (indicators only), Debug (indicators + debug window), None (only base ArmA2 UI)

[FIXED] Converting between magazine types resets ammo count (Now only contains previous number of rounds)

[FIXED] Vehicle and tents not saving (Now they save correctly)

Model Updates

#114 Barbed wire no longer causes glitched graphics.

There are many many more updates behind the scene that fix 100s of further issues that should resolve all of the issues within the game.

Thank you Vilayer. I am very happy with the service. I do not work for Vilayer by the way, I pay hard earned cash from a 9-5 job like everyone else for what I get from them and more than happy to continue.

Edited by S_poon

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I love how Vilayer just uses the latest bliss updates and acts like they are the ones doing these fixes and updates.

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1 big hackfest, even worse then before. Server was shutdown today. Good luck to remaining server admins..

are people hosting Takistan? I see some Utes servers, but that's it

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One does not simply say Villayer and insta-login int the same sentence.

One does not simply make crap up, because he is some kind of hate managed servers sheep.

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I already tried this on my own test server, its really boring and is a sniperfest. Not to mention it doesn't fit because there are no markets or anything like that. Just repetitive enterable buildings everywhere, no points of interest other then Rasman AF and Chak Chak AF. Its a Warfare map, not a DayZ map.

Edited by Chernarus

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Hrm, I'm seeing a few more servers with Takistan this morning than I did last night ... maybe it's popular or maybe it's a fad.

Edited by Medic (not bandit)

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Hey S_poon. Would you have any idea why I (not sure if others are having the same problem) just get kicked out of a game? Like, there's no reason behind it. The server is half empty so it most likely isn't for an admin, The maxping is set to 1000, and my ping to the server is max 250. My name isn't offensive. Every time i try to join any server, I get a message saying "You were kicked from the game.". No reason behind it. Can you shed some light on my problem? I should add that this only happens with Dayz Takistan. Cheers.

Edited by mrkeg

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Just got my sever up and running ... Takistan was the first one I tested on the server ... Shit .... Just had the time to connect because there were 35 players already in the lobby ... Started Dirt and to my suprize at 10 were already at the Airport ... getting into a chopper ... one said no feul .. cand another said I am a freinly and theres feul in my backsac ... How can people already have all that stuff ..... Server shut down quickly ... looking into the scripts to see anything going on ... Going to find out if I can lock the server .. If I can then I will get people to send me E-mails to get password .. so I dont get any Hackers on the site .... Just look for FR306 for private server on Vilayer.com and for FR206 Dayz Hive

[email protected] for those who want to contact me or just to tag along with me

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