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Logging in / respawning unconcious

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This happens pretty often. Usually after being unconscious on death, or recently relogging if you were unconscious recently. It's a 5 minute timer and is a little bit frustrating when it happens.

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Happened to me twice recently. First time was when I respawned, I immediately fell unconscious for 5 minutes. Second time was after dying in a gunfight with a teleporter. I reclaimed my loot, drove back up to my camp and when I logged in the next day I was unconscious. I did not pass out either times before dying.

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I am having a problem like this, but its because a hacker killed the whole server and it glitched me between death and respawning so now i am "alive" but i am laying like i am dead on the beach. i cant get up and i cant respawn so i either have to be shot or find a way to restart. i need help O.o

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