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Raining boats. Interdimensional beings. Filthy medboxes.

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I've come back to DayZ the past week, and realised how bad it's gotten now.

For the past 4 days, I've been killed by someone in a British Army Uniform (not in DayZ afaik?), after them teleporting to me, while being invincible (ie, 5 axes to the face / 30 rounds of AKM does nothing), atleast once a day. I've been killed by being dropped from the sky, or into the ocean 5 times. I've come across fields littered with boats.

And the number of times I've found people with AS50 TWS or medboxes full of every single weapon in Arma is countless. Practically every server is filled with hackers who teleport around, or sit on the hills next to Elektro and Cherno, all in Ghilli suits, all with AS50 TWS, all with silenced M9's, all with NVG's, all with mountain dew, all with a vehicle somewhere nearby. Not to mention those that sit on roofs in Elektro/Cherno with endless supplies of HE M203 rounds, destroying every building they can. It's sad that it's in this state now, as it's been made literally impossible for our group to get any enjoyment out of it.

I realise it's Alpha and, every game get's hacked, but in DayZ it's not comparable to being killed by an aimbotter in CS, so it'll kill DayZ way faster.

Whinge/rant over, any heavily-admin'd servers out there that constantly have someone on?

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