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That, scripts.txt, is the one I've been directed to use, as well as is best tailored/kept up to date for Day Z. If that is incorrect, and there is a better one to use stop here, and reply to this post with the one I *should* be using. Would be beyond appreciated.

Now to get on with the issue, and the main reason I am creating this topic, is this, the scripts.txt I linked, is...problematic for me. It consistently kicks everyone who tries to join the server, for differing script restrictions, and I mean *everyone*. Now more than likely I am doing something wrong, or there is another missed issue when dealing with this file.

The restriction comes up as #41. I tried searching this out. They said to simply *remove* this line or revert back to a previous scripts.txt file. I decided to go with the first idea so that I can still roll with an updated scripts.txt, albeit missing a line. This didn't work though. Kicks now for #40. This becomes a pattern if I repeat the "remove a line" step.

So 3 possibilities:

A: PEBKAC error on my part.

B: Problem is with the file itself.

C: I'm in the green, file is in the green, the problem exists elsewhere.

I could very well revert back to an older scripts.txt. However I'd rather have an updated file..than an older out of date one. The site I linked is already well known for its Community Ban list, and the other .txt files work brilliantly too, such as their remoteexec.txt, and createvehicle.txt

Other than the older file, I can't seem to nail it down what is exactly wrong, trying a few other things, such as noting the differences between the old and new file, but not knowing enough I'm still left fumbling around.

Any and all help would be appreciated. :)

Edited by NocturnalS1n

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It's important to realize that the Script restriction # is *not* a line number. If you delete that line number, you're going to have a bad time.

It's a "rule" number. This means you must count all RULES defined, skipping any commented lines (lines that start with //)

Basing it off of the CURRENT scripts.txt right now, script restriction 41 would seem to be:

5 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\""

For multiple users to be tripping a "setFuel" rule would be frightening to me, and I'd be careful that they aren't actually indeed trying to abuse the system. I've run the community scripts rules for weeks now without a single false positive.

Note that if you're not entirely sure on the line number, you can always look at scripts.log and it will show you what actual scripts text it "tripped" on, allowing you to compare against the rules.

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Line 43:

5 setHit !"\"setHit\"," !"object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z" !"player setHit[\"legs\",1];" !"_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];" !"_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];" !"_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];" !"_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;" !"_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];"

Have 27 double quotes. I think there should be one less or more.

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Well going back to the newest version and tripping the line again. This is what I get in the .log:

#41 "addons\dayz_code\compile\object_vehicleKilled.sqf";

object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_c"

And this gets called on everyone who joins. Like I said in my earlier post, everyone, even me. This is all using the newest and up to date script.txt linked.

And going to the line you mentioned the difference between it and the out of date file is this:

1 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\""

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Reading on the community script site, I found someone with your problem:


Are you running a private hive/server or otherwise anything other than 100% official unmodified DayZ Hive server?

If so, that explains it. You'll have to customize the rules to tolerate the changes private hive/servers are apparently making to the codebase. As Jens says on that issue, the community filters aren't going to try and accommodate each forked private hive/codebase, but are willing to setup forks for it on the site if someone else wants to maintain them.

TLDR: The scripts on the site are only intended for official 100% unmodified DayZ servers.

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Reading on the community script site, I found someone with your problem:


Are you running a private hive/server or otherwise anything other than 100% official unmodified DayZ Hive server?

If so, that explains it. You'll have to customize the rules to tolerate the changes private hive/servers are apparently making to the codebase. As Jens says on that issue, the community filters aren't going to try and accommodate each forked private hive/codebase, but are willing to setup forks for it on the site if someone else wants to maintain them.

TLDR: The scripts on the site are only intended for official 100% unmodified DayZ servers.

Well then that is problematic, as it is an official Hive server. Only thing we have modified is what we're allowed to, such as difficulty settings, and well..these .txt files we're discussing.

In fact our host is HFB, perhaps they are using different DayZ files?

Other than that. we *should* be using a 100% unmodified DayZ server.

Edited by NocturnalS1n

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I've been having this same problem for a couple weeks now. I've been messing around with it today, and I believe I have found a fix for your Script Restriction #41.

Go into your scripts.txt, and find the correct rule. For me, it's Line 43, which says this:

5 setHit !"\"setHit\"," !"object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z" !"player setHit[\"legs\",1];" !"_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];" !"_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];" !"_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];" !"_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;" !"_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];"

When I checked my scripts.log, the actual string that was being recorded was this:

#41 "addons\dayz_code\compile\object_vehicleKilled.sqf";

object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_c"

As you can see, the part with the equals sign is what's being detected, and triggering the kick. The reason is that in the scripts.txt above, the part that is supposed to whitelist this string has 1 space after the equals sign, but the actual code itself uses 2 Tabs. (In this post it converts it to spaces, but check your files and you'll see its 2 tabs)

All I did was go into the scripts.txt, to Line 43, and replace the space after the equals sign with 2 tabs. It might space it out a little funny, but it's worked perfectly for me so far. Hope this helps explain a little bit about how it works, so maybe you can use the same methods to fix your other false positives!

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Don't forget if you're having a problematic script line you can reduce it to log only (1) until you compile a better one or have updated information.

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Only solution I found thus far is to revert to an older scripts.txt. I *have* tried the above mentioned solution. But there still appears to be mass kicks for other script restrictions such as 184 or 21.

And I know 100% percent these are legit users.

Just to reiterate, this is on a 100% official Hive server.

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Reading on the community script site, I found someone with your problem:


Are you running a private hive/server or otherwise anything other than 100% official unmodified DayZ Hive server?

If so, that explains it. You'll have to customize the rules to tolerate the changes private hive/servers are apparently making to the codebase. As Jens says on that issue, the community filters aren't going to try and accommodate each forked private hive/codebase, but are willing to setup forks for it on the site if someone else wants to maintain them.

TLDR: The scripts on the site are only intended for official 100% unmodified DayZ servers.

Hello guys! i have added a script so players can load vehicles into airplanes and have little trouble that when i click load cargo, i get kicked by script restriction #20! can anyone help me out?

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When players join your server, they might be spawning in as seagulls while their character loads, it usually takes a second or two, they won't see it, but the server does. This would get them kicked for "createVehicle" script restriction.

I'm assuming here, but I think "createVehicle" is script restriction #41, I think.

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When players join your server, they might be spawning in as seagulls while their character loads, it usually takes a second or two, they won't see it, but the server does. This would get them kicked for "createVehicle" script restriction.

I'm assuming here, but I think "createVehicle" is script restriction #41, I think.

The problem are when i scroll the mouse when i stand at the plane and click "Load Cargo" i get kicked by script restriction #40

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