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Bad frame rate,my specs...

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Ok guys,i am just wondering,because i see many players online play with same specs and they say that they dont have so much problems runing game above 40fps so i am here to ask is there any solution, or my computer is just not good enough!

My specs:

Ati hd 6790

Phenom II x4 965 3.4Ghz

8gb ram

(i l put more details)

So i play game on 1440x900 resolution, most of settings are on low,or off,video memory default,but i really cant even notice any difference in frames when i try to change settings. So with this settings i have 20-25fps in cherno and elektro,lower somethimes,in forests i have 40fps -5,+5

But what is confusing me the most,when server restarts, my frames jumps even above 60,when i join game also i have bigger frames,but looks like after some times i lose 10 or 15fps somewhere!

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Your frame rate performance is about right for your setup mate. Your GPU no doubt is whats holding you back on your system. Also having all settings on low actually decreases your performance as it passes half of your GPU load onto you CPU. Everyone gets frame drops in cherno and elektro.

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Are you playign in the same server? From what I've read the servers suffer from memory leaks, which is one reason why they need to be restarted regulary, or gameplay suffers. I have found that on some servers my game runs great, but on others it gets choppy randomly or around big cities. If you haven't already I would try different servers, if you find one with smooth gameplay I'd favorite it. I had to try a few different servers till I found some that run consistantly smooth.

Yeah, as above posts states, you will almost always get frame rate drops in those 2 cities.

Edited by GenTroy

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But how are you explaining my frames above 50+ when i just starts game,or serever restarts?

And yes,i notices that servers have lots a problems right now,i play on one and server restarts on every 3 hours i think,after restart i play normal,50+ but after 30 mins or so,is going down,

i play on almost lowest settings and that is just strange with my specs!

Edited by CrazySerb

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