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Sweaty (DayZ)

Did people became bulletproof?

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I was playing DayZ today, making my way to the NW airfield and a guy started running after me with a silenced M9. I started shooting him with my Winchester 1866 and I hit him like 30 times, he wasn't bleeding or injured, then he opened fire at me and i got killed. A few hours later I was playing on another server with 47 people on it. I had an AKS 47 Cobra. I met a guy with a ghillie suit on, I sprayed my 7 mags in his torso but he didn't even bleed.

Can anyone tell me why is this happening? (I'm pretty sure I wasn't lagging)

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Hackers with godmode? im not sure.

same thing has happend to me before cept i only had a crowbar :S

That's not cheaters. The crowbar hit detection is broken and the thing just tickles even if you do hit.

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They were cheating, you were lagging or you just missed.

Perhaps I was lagging but I didn't see the red or yellow broken chain symbol.

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Perhaps I was lagging but I didn't see the red or yellow broken chain symbol.

Chains to not mean lag. They mean de-sync with your machine and the server. A player (and the zombies they have spawned) can lag and you won't get chain icons.

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did people became bulletproof


use your fucking head

every second thread out there is about hackers.

put two and two together.

or just assume they found some bullet-proof armour

or that maybe you picked up a fake AS50 shooting fucking foam bullets

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30 hits with the winchester and 7 mags from your ak. your winchester must be shooting like a sub machine gun and your ak like a vulcan.

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did people became bulletproof


use your fucking head

every second thread out there is about hackers.

put two and two together.

or just assume they found some bullet-proof armour

or that maybe you picked up a fake AS50 shooting fucking foam bullets

Mmeoww!!! :lol:

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So they were just hackers :S


they're usually easy to spot because they're extra brave. they'll run up and start talking to you. or like your situation, they chase an obviously armed player. people that earned their loot don't tend to take risks like that

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They were hacking, I had a similar experience except the bandit I was shooting just stood there telling me not to shoot him. He didn't kill me though, just ran off, which was nice of him.

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They were hacking, I had a similar experience except the bandit I was shooting just stood there telling me not to shoot him. He didn't kill me though, just ran off, which was nice of him.

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