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Waste, Snack items, Smell, and BOOZE!

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Here are my four suggestions for Day Z

My first suggestion is to add waste into the game. Currently, when you consume a can of beans or a Coke, the item disappears from your inventory and you never see it again. I suggest that instead, once a canned food or drink is consumed, you are left with the empty container. This would force a dilemma on the part of the player. They would be forced to choose between leaving a trace of their passing through or inventory space. This could also work with ammo. Any time you shoot a gun, an ammo casing would be left on the ground, a possible trail for a hostile player to follow.

My second suggestion is the addition of snack items. These would be small little foodstuffs like skittles or snack bars that would replenish a small portion of hunger, depending on the snack item's nutritional value. Would leave wrappers as waste.

My third suggestion is to add smell to the game. Now, I'm not saying that you guys should start trying to invent Smellovision, but to add smell as a detectable factor, like sight and sound. After a while, your character would start to smell, and that smell would attract zombies. And the one way to get reduce your smell is, you guessed it, take a bath. A high smell would also add a sort of green aura around your head.

And my final suggestion is to add BOOZE! This has been suggested before, but I guess it needs reiterating. We already have the empty whiskey bottles, so why not have full ones. Consumption of the whiskey would replenish thirst, but at the cost of putting the character into an "intoxicated" state. Controls get sluggish and loose, the screen gets all wibbley, and your character starts to smell. Just a thought.

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Alcohol actually dehydrates. Very short term would "quench" thirst but the hangover effect is because of its dehydrating qualities. Ever notice why when you get smashed you always go to the bathroom? I could bore you with the details, but I am sure you don't really care.

Edited by Jaslr

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booze doubt will be added to the game due to age restriction.

FUCK THE AGE RESTRICTION. alcohol HAS to be in game, especially - moonshine. simply because of its medical purpose.

Alcohol actually dehydrates. Very short term would "quench" thirst but the hangover effect is because of its dehydrating qualities.

thats why i believe thirst and hydration should be separated, to differentiate drinks.

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Shooting people in the head for giggles is okay but god forbid whiskey right? Besides operation arrowhead is already pegi 18+ rated, and i doubt the standalone will be made kid friendly.

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