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me and cars just don't mix..

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i've decided that from now on i am walking my ass everywere i go.Why u may ask.

my first car find was the scooby doo van at solicney fixed it up no problems loads of stuff eveywere for it..2 minutes later flipped it into a ditch..fuck

second vehicle a boat..sweet i don't have to walk down the coast..took it out the dock and it beached onto a sandbank..what kind of ass hole builds a dock with a sandbank at the exit..fml

so last night i found a gaz at zolengorsk spent 3 HOURS looking for parts fixed it sweet drove it into an open field....and flipped it on an invisable rock...FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

FUCK Cars i'm walking..

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oh it gets better the car i just flipped righted itself on server restart.sweet got half a mile down the road and hear the dread sound of a huey gaz +m240 never a good mix :(

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