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Need some input before I make a ban/post on here

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An incident happened on the server that I help admin, and after browsing through the logs searching for specific names in the createvehicle log, I came across a few things.

A few of these are from the suspected hackers, and another is something I came across on someone else.

I know the ammo boxes are hacked in, but I don't know if this is from them actually spawning them, or accessing them.

#0 "AmmoBoxBig" 44:7 [13059,6477,46]

#0 "RUVehicleBox" 23:18 [386,15258,665]

#0 "RUVehicleBox" 23:158 [4210,11172,343]

#0 "AmmoBoxSmall_556" 28:109 [4665,9597,339]

#0 "SeaGull" 4:0 [-18621,25857,388]

#1 "SeaGull" 4:0 [-18621,25857,388]

Removed the player names/guid's for privacy reasons if this is not for sure proof that said players are actualy the ones spawning this.

I also don't know what hte seagull is, i know there are controls for seagull, but I'm also reading that the seagull may be a player dying?

Any info would be greatly appreciated, and if this isn't the right place to post, I am sorry :S


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As far as I know the small ammo box is legit and seagull can also be legit although I have no idea why it lists a seagull.(edit: I see it lists the co-ords of the seagulls as debug plains so id assume its when someone gets spawned there.)

The other boxes are scripted in and you should ban the users who did it.

Edited by RobCivicCRX
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As far as I know the small ammo box is legit and seagull can also be legit although I have no idea why it lists a seagull.(edit: I see it lists the co-ords of the seagulls as debug plains so id assume its when someone gets spawned there.)

The other boxes are scripted in and you should ban the users who did it.


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