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Faith in humanity? I'm not even SURE anymore! [2 vids]

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Alright, so, following the same footage from my first session on this specific private hive server, I have to share this bit. Keep in mind these two videos take place very close together, there's only about 4 minutes between them, where I was just lost in Elektro, since I tend to stay far, far away from there.

TL;DR: I spawned, found a boat, stole it from a bad sniper, drove off with it, got run over by his van, spawned outside of elektro, and then all this happened.

So after this video, I'm all happy cause there's one of the nicest people I've met in this game!

And then this happens...

I just don't even know anymore.

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Yeah that server is a private hive, and the skins are all wonky. I got a bandit skin after killing one guy in self defense, logged in the next day with hero skin, which I have had ever since on that server.

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