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looking for active experienced players (bandits preferably)

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A friend of mine and myself are forming a bandit clan. We were apart of CNSF but were kicked and script killed by the admins for "breaking" there rules of engagement, and "stealing" their chopper. Now we want revenge, and revenge is OH SO SWEET!

So far we have eliminated 3 CNSF members and stole there chopper twice. I currently have there chopper in my possession.

We are looking for people to carry out terrorist missions with us to ensure the CNSF members cannot use there helicopter, or have access to there main base in Berenzino lumber mill, or the hacker tents north east of the NEAF.

Post your skype here.

Please be:

Active (almost every day)

Mature (no age restrictions just dont be annoying little kids)

Experienced (2 months+ of gameplay)

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Hey Killswitch it's me Koshin I have been actively killing CNSF since you were still in it.They are a bunch of scripters and it's annoying. Joe scripts constantly. Anyways glad to hear you left CNSF and hope to see you on US 850 killing them with me.

Edited by Koshin

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i have skype but i prefer ts3 skype:robo471999

i dont h ave the 2 moth+ but i just want to join a group and play i have alot of gaming experience and i just want to play and kill

- robo

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If they're scripters, you trying to make it to where they can not use their heli, until they find a new one is futile, as they will just spawn a new one, and or just server restart. Dunno what you're trying to accomplish, really.

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