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Idea for the Server General category

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So I was thinking,

To further streamline the process and prevent unnecessary threads in the section, perhaps only members of the server host group (like us) should be the only ones with the power to start a thread? Just allow all users access to reply to threads.

This way, the server hosters can still have a place to have a server discussion and announce downtime, and users can still respond with reports and other necessary information. But they won't be able to create threads like "Admin abuse or Admin killing all people!" - That could be rolled in with the other reporting category or posted in the server thread created by the host in question.

Then have one sticky for each of the following:

  • Purpose of the category (explain admins can't kill people, or have control over the master db, etc.)
  • Requirements and channels to start a server (combine to one thread)
  • DayZ Server Auto Restart
  • Disclaimer about donations
  • Possible Suggestion: Locked/Passworded Server report thread with guidelines for reporting and users can report findings.

The rest should be able to be unstickied because information like installing the beta has been included in the post for 1.7.1.

What do you guys think?

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I like that idea. It really muddies the waters when so many people are posting. It drops down donation threads, provider threads and threads that might need to be up at the top (like downtime and such).

Good Idea


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I think we should create a new "Server Announcements" forum. non admins use the server general forum to report down server, and a bunch of other stuff too.

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Okay so I was sitting down and thinking to myself on how to restructure this properly. Here's my take on things.

Server Discussions and Announcements - Find information and talk about active DayZ servers

Server General - Report a problem with a server or ask for help with server related issues

In Server Discussions and Announcements, only people under the server hosters group can post threads. Limit one thread per hoster. Non-hosters can post replys to threads.

Server General would be just like Sykotix suggested (to be honest, both things, but yeah).

Alternatively, you can break it down into three categories which would be Server Discussions and Announcements, Server General, and Server Reports. That way you can break up the admin abuse/locked server reports up with the posts about help with servers. Ideally, you'd want them in IRC so three categories is probably pushing it too far.

It should be a requirement for each hoster to create a thread on their respective servers so users can keep up communication with them. It's important for the user base to be able to express concerns, and with so many "third-party" servers, you have to have some official line of communication. I would hope each server admin has a forum account. :)

And with the main server threads out of the way of sever general, that category can be more streamlined for reports and people who have issues starting or configuring a server.

The biggest issue I see is that there is a weird gap between server hosters, the server team, and the users. Admins who stay on top of everything have no issues, but we still have admins out there that are using the wrong naming schemes, have no thread for contact information, and ones that just don't plain show up in IRC. I'm not even suggesting that they have to talk or anything, but if you're running an alpha server, communication between the team and the users is paramount. I know you guys are trying your best to make due with all the requests, so it's going to take time for everything to fall into place, but yeah. A little house cleaning could go along way in helping things run more smoothly :)

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