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Will I be banned for this?

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I was playing on the US103 server earlier today when I came across a UAZ.

I checked it out and someone had loaded it with a ton of magazines, smoke grenades and frag grenades.

[screenshot #1]

[screenshot #2]

[screenshot #3]

I grabbed as many AK and SVD mags as I could, but as I began to stuff all the grenades in my bag, I realized that I've never seen a yellow smoke grenade or the RGO frag grenades listed anywhere on the DayZ loot cheat sheet.

I immediately dropped the yellow smoke and the frags, but then I picked a couple of frags back up and used them to destroy the UAZ.

Are the RGO frag grenades and yellow smoke grenades hacked into the game? If so, does that mean I'm going to be banned?

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As far as im aware the UAZ spawns RGO frags, not sure about yellow smoke but lets be honest whos gonna hack a smoke grenade. The loot sheets are extremely incomplete and should not be used as a guide whether the items are hacked or not, the best way to determine whether an item is hacked or not is its image in your inventory as hacked items tend not to have a image.

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Legitimate guns in the game have an icon next to their name, I'm unsure if this is also true with equipment but I would assume so, so I wouldn't worry about it.

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its legit i found the same vehicle had all that stuff in it wiki also says it fits 4 but it fits 7

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