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Titty Sprinkles - US249 LA

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I was looking for a night server to play on, found US249 LA, spawned outside elek near cap galova, a chopper flew over and picked me up. He asked if I wanted some gear and seemed friendly enough, took me to northern airfield outskirts in the trees and let me take a ak-74s and some drink from a tent.

He then dropped me off in a field full of vehicles and said I could have one. I asked if they were his and he said no and flew away, so I took a uaz and drove (getting completely lost in the woods). someone appeared near me shooting at me, I checked the player list and only him and I were online. He kept teleporting near me and shooting, I managed to get far enough away to exit the vehicle and quit.

As the title of this thread shows, his name was Titty Sprinkles.

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