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First gun you ever found in DayZ?

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Hey guys, I thought I'd start a thread where we all tell the first guns we found in DayZ.

My first gun was an FN FAL from a heli crash site. I didn't know how to play so I ran straight inland and found it.

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First started playing when youu got a gun, the .45 revolver. But the first gun I found was a CZE rifle. Ididnt like it and the next gun I found was the Winnie, which I loved.

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My first was a Winnie two :) No ammo tho frist time play and I found a dead body with it I was so please with my self Then I got shot and I was left to die with broken legs In the middle of nowhere how nice But I thought I still have my Trusty Winnie, ahhh the days back as a noob....

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I think it was either the Revolver or the M1014 me and my friend found on a dead body in Elektro, we got super excited about because we thought we hit the jack-pot!

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My first gun was a hatchet. That totally counts, since it seems to make bullet noises. But the real first gun that I found was probably a makarov. After that, I really can't remember.

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A revolver. It was in my hand when I spawned. xD

The first gun I actually found was a Lee Enfield or hunting rifle though, I think.

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1911. Before the 1911 sucked. Was my favorite gun until the ARMA II beta patch nerfed it to shit.


Edited by sp86

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  On 9/5/2012 at 12:29 PM, CombatWombat said:

Makarov PM :) had some fun times with that thing...

I hear you, I actually used to keep my Makie over other side arms I encountered in game just because of how common the ammo was.

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  On 9/5/2012 at 1:21 PM, Fraggle said:

Crossbow :( (yes, I know it's not a gun)

Hell, it's barely a weapon.

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Lee near Electro, I was so happy I told everyone about my "special" find :)

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Crossbow, then a makarov, then a lee Enfield I fired in the supermarket in zelenogorsk. First mil spec weapon was a Korba.

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Damn...I remember starting with the revolver. but the first gun was a Lee Enfield. Proudly rang the diner bell through the air field that day.

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