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jaybuk (DayZ)

New PH Server ... UTC time

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While waiting for the Boyz at Dayz to get the next stable patch out have put up a PH server to play on, come by test and have all your Tents, etc saved to a PH.....

P/H DayZ Server

Can you make it, Can you Survive,

Name: IE2 (V1.7.2.6/Beta 96584)Dayz Survival/PVP/Roleplay


Port: 2382

Password: none (Might have one later on)

Slots: 40

Map: Chernarus

3DP: On

Crosshair: On

Voice: On


ARMA Beta: 96584

Vehicle Count: 64 (more info below)

Server Location: GMT

Day/Night Cycle: 24x7 (GMT Cycle)

Protection: Community Ban List/DayZ Anti-Hax


Our server is based in Europe, we have great connection speeds, very stable, its early days and so far so good.

Server Features

Server Highlights:

Working Vehicles 100%

Working Tents 100%

Up 24x7 Except maintenance and restarts

Restarts Daily @ 4am GMT

No hoarding off-map (Restart May wipe)

Hourly backups of the database. Will restore if crash or Hack


Will do a server restart ay 4am GMT, to keep loot flowing, our Vehicles will have a chance to re spawn at every server restart. We have had no problems with vehicles or tents so far, and storage is saving.

This is a PVP, Survival, Role Play server you can play as you wish in Clans, Groups, Lone Wolf, what ever mode you want to there are not many rules just a few YOU will get kicked if you blatantly ignore them.


Have respect for other players, don't steal it, unless you need it.

Do NOT shoot on sight, unless you have to for survival.

Don't abuse Players,


Contact Admin @ [email protected]

In Game: King of Milk


Edited by jaybuk

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Yes we are very interested. Clan ESI of Sweden. We play Fair and juste. No hacking or cheating. Can we just log on or do we need password and such?

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No PW as yet will see how server goes still in test mode, if we get to many Jokers, Fools spoiling the fun will then PW the server.

Thanks Have fun, let me know what you think and any probs :)


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Well I for sure Will seriously try it out and if its Good no hackers can scare me away. As Long as we know u try to deal With em..

I'll probably try tonight allready..

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Well I for sure Will seriously try it out and if its Good no hackers can scare me away. As Long as we know u try to deal With em..

I'll probably try tonight allready..

Ingame name LOGO

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