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How to find stuff and suck less?

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So I've played a few hours now but I really really suck, I read guides to starting out and stuff but nothing helps.

Basically my problem is that I keep getting eaten by zombies before I can find anything to defend myself with. I will sneak up to a building and somehow get spotted, then will spend the next 10 mins running and trying to bandage myself. I will then repeat the process untill I eventually die of thirst.

How can I sneak more efficiently? I spend most of my time crouched, do I really need to go prone and crawl to/from every building?

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run and never stop

when youre clear of the zombie spawn points run through trees / bushes to break line of sight.

zombies cant run indoors either, so if a building has a front and back door you can lose them like that.


map of everything with loot spawns. get familiar with it

Edited by Buffjesus
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also if you can find a hatchet use it its the most underrated weapon. quiet and 1 hit kill

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What BuffJesus said. Run, don't crouch when you're just starting out, you have nothing to lose, so act like it. Learn the buildings you can enter with several exits, the best way to lose Zeds, and you can loot while you're there too. Don't avoid the big Cities, (Cherno and Elektro) like I said, you have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain from one good loot run through either of the cities. Once you have the basics get out quick and head North away from the coast.

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Pine trees with branches all the way to the ground will break LoS with a chasing horde.

Just run in and stop. Do not panic they will not see you even if your are stood right next to them.

Check out this map http://dayzdb.com/map#3.062.064

when you log in check out the bottom right hand corner of the screen - this will tell you where you are closest to on the map - hopefully a town name.

You can sprint into town(be careful if there is a high population) and use broken walls and buildings to break LoS.

Buildings that are circles on the map tend to have more than one door - excellent for escaping zeds as they will walk inside the building. Giving you a few seconds to loot anything that is in there.

Rinse, die, repeat.

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sneaking (crouching) is only good for lowering the sound you produce but the infected can still see you quite well during daytime

if you are a fresh spawn I recommend sprinting all the time and checking out buildings with at least two exits (barns, stables, red brick houses, supermarkets, firestation lower floor, etc.), that way you don't have to worry about aggro.. you run in, check the loot while the infected slowly shuffle in and you get out the other exit leaving them behind.. then you lose the rest that followed you somewhere in the bushes (or the pine-like trees with low branches, they are pretty much a safe-spot from the infected)

Edited by moriak

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Hmm I don't know about this running arround like crazy thing, I am more of a sneaky bastard, but I am absolutely d'acore about the big cities. You can get basic stuff and some nice weapons within arround 40min. Loot some civilian-houses, some warehouses and than head for the next firestation and hospital. You are now either dead or geared up and ready to go ;-)

Hmm I really have to die some time, my character is fully-equipped and alive far to long...

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You also need to understand that stepping on a road is equivalent to firing off an AKM round for zombies. If you run on a road, zombies from all over the town will come after you. Be sure to crawl when ever you're crossing over roads.

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I never prone. I only ever run, crouch or crouch walk. Mostly I run. Remember to serpentine run around populated, most players are bad at aiming. Know your buildings and which ones you can use to shake Zombies (buildings with 2 entrances ie barns, pubs). Some cities I find a waste of time looting, Kamenka is a prime example, no double entrance and pretty weak loot drops. If I get a kamenka/komorovo spawn I head straight to balota airfield. Cherno and Elektro are PvP hotspots but I go there anyways as the loot is exceptional and will keep you going for a long time. Other players will often avoid these two towns and head north. If you do that know where the barns and deer stands are because they are some of the best loots if your doing it that way. Looting Cherno and Elektro are the best way to get used to the Zombie mechanics imo. They are easily avoidable and cause no problems after a while.

Edited by sostronk

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Hatchet: Right click 'remove from belt"; Click 'rearm'

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Thanks I will try running around like a loon when I'm home later! :)

Before I turned off I spawned just a little west of Elekro, so that will be a good place to try the run&run tactic lol

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Touche ^_^ they are pretty common, you will happen across one usually pretty easily in garages and houses, in the northeastern part of Elektro there are a lot of good buildings you can hop through. I played for hours before I ever got a gun and was able to stay alive

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Everyone plays their own style. You just have to get used to the game mechanics and evading zombies. If you're in a town/city with zombies chasing you, just try to lead them through a building with two entranceways, that way you can lose them easily.

Zombies will stop chasing you as soon as they lose sight/sound of you. Just break their line of sight and they'll stop chasing you. And prone is your friend.

Generally when I'm out in the wilderness being chased, I'll just run past a pine tree or a large bush then prone straight away, they'll completely lose you.

Also, try to learn which buildings are enterable and which ones aren't. That will save you time.

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Please don't watch any tips from DB map they are for pussies and one thing that ruins this game. Run, try to not hit by zombie, if they aggro just run and find barns and deer stands as starter

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I would say, run though the city if you are going in without a weapon. Its speed that matters by then. Use houses and allyways to get rid of hordes of zombies. (if youside a town use pine trees to stand inside then they cant hurt you).

My best advice is to NOT GO INSIDE Elektro or Cherno!!

Biggest misstake ever. Here you find the players who "cannot battle players on same terms", so what you expect in here is fully geared snipers on rooftops.

Go outside the towns and find a barn. Use a "loot map" from ex google to find your way around.

And one thing more.. Im sniping at players up at North west airfield. Its not many up here so you are safer up north west airfield (with all good loot) then you are in Cherno/Elektro.

This is mainly cause ppl gotten sick of scavaging when everything is in their tents already anyway. So if you want good loot, crash sites and somewhat freedom? Yeah then head up north.

Find yourself, 1x map, (1x compass preferable) 1x water cantine and 1x food then you can run. Dont drink or eat until its flashing red. With this, run to another town like Zelenogorsk or even Berezino (or any town with supermarkets or high value residentials) to find the rest of what you need.

When you get to stary, do just rush in. Check zombies and check the treelines to your bestability.

Look to the weather too, is its clody then take a heatpack cause you will need it so you dont have to sit under a tree a longer time ;)

When entering NWA, sneak up to southern barracks and when you're done there go outside the wall back from where you came and move around the airfield to the airfields east side. Go straight past the hangars and move into nothern barack. If you still havent heard any gunshots or everything seems clear.. Then move to check the firestation and the hangars but dont go up that stupid firehouse-tower. You'll get spotted right away.. Do not ever check the control tower on NWA, its in the open too much so you will attract zombies when walking out there.

Even if it takes longer, sometimes its much better to just crawl around to avoid zombies.. depending on situation of course.

Use deer stands to gear up on the way north. My best run from newly spawned to before starting to loot stary was Coyote backpack, GPS, M9 and DMR. These four items was found on 6 different deerstands.

If you ever start off in Kamenka, the biggest misstake is to run towards the towns east. Here you have the option to get 8-10 deerstands before Zelenogorsk = atleast one good gun, normally assult pack and drink/food/med supplies.

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  On 9/5/2012 at 11:43 AM, GBTP said:

Hatchet: Right click 'remove from belt"; Click 'rearm'

You should also mention that when he finds a weapon.. To not drop your axe you must right click it again, and "add to toolbelt".

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  On 9/5/2012 at 1:05 PM, Kalle^ said:

Please don't watch any tips from DB map they are for pussies and one thing that ruins this game. Run, try to not hit by zombie, if they aggro just run and find barns and deer stands as starter

Quite dumb statement "DB map is for pussies".

First of all, you dumb fuck. I do happen to like pussy alot. And i bet its more of us in here who is straight. If you happen to like something else, then fine. You go and suck c-ck if you want to.

Second, are you kidding about the map? Best tool for anyone and is an absolutly must for a beginner.

Third, if you are underaged.... Can i see a note from your mother saying she allows you to play this game? Its fine if you upload a picture, that'l be ok.

[Warned - Ubi]

Edited by UbiquitousBadGuy

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Somebody isn't going to be surviving when the REAL zombie apocalypse comes.....

You do all know this is a test right? Rocket is a prophet, not a dev ;)

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Learn how to loose zombies, even in daylight. Some have suggested running into buildings because they're slower in there. I disagree with this method for a number of reasons.

  1. You'll likely trap yourself with the zombie horde between you and your only exit
  2. Another survivor/bandit may be occupying that room and turn on you
  3. You'll be forced to open fire (unless you have the hachet) and draw even more zombies (and humans) to your location
  4. Zombies are only slow in the mod, this behavior won't be in the standalone. Why practice a method that won't be supported later?

The only reason you should enter building while aggro'd is to loose line-of-sight and exiting through a rear door.

Your best bet in the wilderness, are pine trees. Simply run right through them and then immediately go prone. If done right, the zombie will loose you completely and you'll be safe to crawl away. Obviously this has inherent risk because you'll be vulnerable in prone if you haven't lost them and they may take a swipe or two. Keep filtering yourself through pine trees until you loose them all.

Also at night (even dusk or dawn) you should not need to kill the zombies at all. there simply is not enough light for them to keep reacquiring you after a couple breaks with fences, trees, etc. If you're using weapons at night to get rid of zombies, you're doing something wrong. You should be able to get away 80% of the time even in day.

I've lived for over a week now with my current character, found a lot of high end gear including a L85 and raided plenty of supermarkerts. Total zombie kills: 2. I've simply haven't needed to kill anything with my 1911 because I've got used to taking the time to evade them.

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