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Why Kill on Sight?

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Recent scientific research(* seems to quite definitively indicate that the reason for KoS'ing is this picture:


Trust no1.

(*me googling for memes

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Here's an example. Yesterday, I run from Elektro to Cherno on a fresh spawn, having found some nice gear in Elektro. I get to cherno, see 3 guys. I tail them. One of them sees me, says "We're friendly, don't shoot or we'll kill you". Okay, I say. One of them comes out back. I point my gun away to show I'm not here to cause any trouble, then I turn back around. We're like that for about a minute, and the other two come around the corner. I hear "DONT SHOOT" as they light me up.

This is why I KoS. Because no matter how friendly they might be, it's still entirely possible they are trigger happy paranoid morons.

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I kill on sight because it's a game that has the option to, so I will do what the fuck I like. There are no set parameters for the mod, and there never will be. If you want a 100% PvZ experience go play CoD Zombies and quit complaining.

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I don't KoS, the only times I've killed have been in defense - or one time to avenge a friend - but for the most part if I see another player, I'll try and find a nice place to hide/take cover then judge whether he's friendly or not.

I've run into a lot of idiots who have just opened fire on me when I've been willing to give them food and supplies. But then you get some people who will go out of their way to help you. I don't know, it just seems silly to treat this game as Kill-On-Sight, especially when you might be killing someone who can give you help or a lift somewhere.

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Trust me, 90% of anyone you will find on your way that has a gun, will shot YOU on sight. You may stumble up on some nice guys, but the main reason why you would shot on sight, is not to get shot yourself. I used to be a nice guy, didnt kill anyone, untill i realized after my 100th time getting shot and killed, that being friendly will rarely turn out to be something good

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I don't KoS, the only times I've killed have been in defense - or one time to avenge a friend - but for the most part if I see another player, I'll try and find a nice place to hide/take cover then judge whether he's friendly or not.

I've run into a lot of idiots who have just opened fire on me when I've been willing to give them food and supplies. But then you get some people who will go out of their way to help you. I don't know, it just seems silly to treat this game as Kill-On-Sight, especially when you might be killing someone who can give you help or a lift somewhere.

What's better for me, your beans for free or everything you have for few bullets?

Edited by SillySil

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I kill on sight because it's a game that has the option to, so I will do what the fuck I like. There are no set parameters for the mod, and there never will be. If you want a 100% PvZ experience go play CoD Zombies and quit complaining.

I like that attitude. Keeps the game interesting & real. Keeps me on my toes. Let's hope we never meet.

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Maybe KOS detector system is a good idea .... I'd love to have option to respawn as permanent bandit and play hard and be feared by all :P

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