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Banned from X/O private server for finding camp

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Not sure if this will do any good since it's a private hive, perhaps a warning to those who play there.

Logged in to "Undefined Private Server - Extra Vehicles" which i have been playing off on and, seemed pretty cool, was mid map making my way to Stary when I stumble upon a cluster of tents, took a DMR and a bike and moved on, plenty of other stuff there.

Shortly after while riding down the road got kicked/banned for "hacking".

Not sure how the admins even knew I was there, it seemed like no one was around.

Admins are: X/O Dinobrualityx, X/O ItchyTastey, and X/O XeroHealth

Edited by Wakantanka

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bunch of scum

Really? Know them well do you?

Just go play somewhere else. We have your word for it and stuff like this draws in impressionable idiots like Magzire, without any evidence.

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Well I have had no response from them so if anyone wants to checkout their camp to see how well you fare, it was at Lesnoy Khrebet (081,075).

Just go play somewhere else. We have your word for it and stuff like this draws in impressionable idiots like Magzire, without any evidence.

I am going to play somewhere else, but this forum is for ban appeals, so that's what I am doing, appealing. The burden of proof is on the admins, they could easily clear this up with some logs showing me hacking in some way, but I know they don't have that since I wasn't. In fact I am pretty sure it the opposite these admins are the hackers, abusing powers, hording vehicles for themselves and banning anyone unlucky enough to stumble on their camp.

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Not really, if it's a private server.

Private server has nothing to do with what is logical. They can choose not to respond, and nothing will be done, but the burden of proof is still theirs, not mine. They made the assertion I was hacking, therefore they must provide proof in order to backup the claim, this is the definition of "burden of proof".

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Private server has nothing to do with what is logical. They can choose not to respond, and nothing will be done, but the burden of proof is still theirs, not mine. They made the assertion I was hacking, therefore they must provide proof in order to backup the claim, this is the definition of "burden of proof".

You sure do have a purdy mouth. :rolleyes:

It's a private server, they can do what they want. They can kick or ban you for not liking your name, because they had a bad day, because he just dropped his snack on the floor. There's no burden of proof because no one gives a toss apart from you.

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It's a private server, they can do what they want. They can kick or ban you for not liking your name, because they had a bad day, because he just dropped his snack on the floor. There's no burden of proof because no one gives a toss apart from you.

So what are you saying I can't use the ban appeal forum to appeal my ban, and I shouldn't use logic to argue my case? What exactly is your point in posting here?

Do you know this server and these admins or are you just an impressible idiot that got drawn in here?

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Moderator Notice: User was warned for this post.

So what are you saying I can't use the ban appeal forum to appeal my ban, and I shouldn't use logic to argue my case? What exactly is your point in posting here?

Do you know this server and these admins or are you just an impressible idiot that got drawn in here?

Right listen up you dumb fuck.

Go to the admins clan forum and post in there, it is about the only place you're going to get an answer. Why the hell would a private server admin check in here when they don't have to answer to the ludicrous server admin rules?

Fucking retard. >:(

Edited by Legacy

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Private server = their rules. They can do whatever they like, and no, tbey dont have to explain themselves. He is right go to their forums and.ask, because no one here can do anything for you.

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Go to the admins clan forum and post in there, it is about the only place you're going to get an answer. Why the hell would a private server admin check in here when they don't have to answer to the ludicrous server admin rules?

Alright asshole they don't have a clan forum that I know of, or I would post there. Two since they won't respond and they seem to ban for no reason this post serve as a PUBLIC warning to anyone else playing there.

Who the fuck are you? You don't know them or me why the fuck are you in this thread posting when you have nothing to contribute besides calling me names?

This is a ban appeal forum, I am appealing a ban if you don't like it FUCK OFF.

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Alright asshole they don't have a clan forum that I know of, or I would post there. Two since they won't respond and they seem to ban for no reason this post serve as a PUBLIC warning to anyone else playing there.

Who the fuck are you? You don't know them or me why the fuck are you in this thread posting when you have nothing to contribute besides calling me names?

This is a ban appeal forum, I am appealing a ban if you don't like it FUCK OFF.

You sir, are an idiot.

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Private server = their rules. They can do whatever they like, and no, tbey dont have to explain themselves. He is right go to their forums and.ask, because no one here can do anything for you.

I am trying to appeal to THEM not anyone else. I know it's private so nothing can be done by anyone but THEM, I have said that in since the beginning. This is my only way to APPEAL to THEM through the APPEAL forum since they do not have one of their own.

Since this APPEAL is not working I hope this post serves as a warning to others that might play there.

Is everyone who has nothing to do with this clear now?

Edited by Wakantanka

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User warned

Stop being out of line. Anyone is free to appeal non-private and private server ban appeals, Admins only have the choice of revoking their ban or not. If a server is private, there is little they can do if it is deemed as 'abuse' or an out of line ban. If it is a public server then they risk being blacklisted.

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Ah King Legacy, Hammer of the Admins.

How it must burn that you can't "Approved" reports against private servers. we all know what corner you're coming from. If you are genuinely warning me for "being out of line", I look forward to seeing many more posts against your kin-folk for similar transgressions.

If you are warning me because server admins just ain't your thing then that's pretty poor show.

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someone on my clan forum page just forwarded this to me. Im X/0 Dinobrutalityx admin and part owner of undefined private server. if you still feel wrongly accused you can go to fireywater.com and sign up to our forum to put in a ban appeal. why you put a request on here to hold us accountable is a bit beyond me but non the less now you have your opportunity to argue your case over a month and a half late.

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