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ok take two. i read the stickeys and what i got from it is that global bans cant be helped . i don't think its a golbal ban it just says admin ban (community banlist). i dont know what i did to anger someone, i never use the chat and i only play with my friends and none of them got banned so i really dont know what to do.

also i apologize if anything i wrote seems rude i didnt mean to i just confused by the situation. (still not even sure if this is the right fourm).

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i can still play arma 2 online fine so im pretty sure its not battle eye golbal ban thingy.

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You'll need to contact the server admin. You can search the forum's or make a thread here and put the server name in the title. Does the server have it's own forum? If you have no luck you might just have to find a new server to play on.

Edited by Fraggle

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its on like half the severs

I really hope this is an exaggeration. If it seriously is on half the servers, then you've done a hell of a lot to piss a bunch of people off. If it's multiple servers run by the same clan or group, then they could have you on a multi-server ban list. Unfortunately, quite a few admins are just dicks who ban without giving reasons and they can't be rationalized with. But do what Fraggle said and contact the admins of the servers and see what's going on. They'd know better than anyone here.

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If your on the community banlist then that would explain it. Some admins share lists of banned players. Do you mind if I ask why you got banned?

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I don't think so, it'll just be a list of names. All I can suggest is starting a new thread in this section called "Community Banlist Appeal". In it give as many details as you can, a few of the servers you're banned from and the date it started if you can plus your in-game name. Someone with the list will see the post and may be able to help. Also, search the threads and you might find one discussing the list, then you can ask there.

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