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Please help, I'm running off to the right!

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I'm putting this in the new player area, as it will help them as well as me. I think I hit something on my keyboard and now my player won't run straight ahead - he's just running off to the right but looking left.

How do I switch it back to normal please? I tried ctr, alt, altGr, shift, enter, 5, 0, etc.

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Have you tried hitting right? Or perhaps the lean keys? My guess is that you were passed out and when you came to your key was held, if so then just hit whichever key corresponds to the direction you are going and then you should be good.

Edited by Goof Juice

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No I was running and my left hand slipped and suddenly it's as though I'm running and holding down the forward and right keys at same time but I'm just using the up arrow.

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Thanks Fly! I was hitting it once. Appreciate you help. :thumbsup: :beans: Oh blast it, nope. It didn't work! I thought it had in the dark but nope. :(

Edited by Sula

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You dont have a controller plugged in do you? If so check that puppy. If not use the numpad to look around the different directions. If that dosent work press your directional keys to move the direction.

I know exactly what you are talking about though. Had this happen as the guy said above when you are looking around and pass out .

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All I can see is my avatar from the side. I press up arrow and he runs but to me it looks like he's running right, across the screen, not like normally when I press up.

I'm panicking because I'm going to die like this! I aborted and when I went bcak in it was still locked in place. I recall there's a button to hit and I've hit everything but can't remember what to do.

Imagine or try to run with up and right held down - that's what I see all the time. I can't move as it's disorientating. I can't go back or forward etc.

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I'm really sure it's left-Alt that is the problem, I think you double tapped it, now it's locked!

Edited by Fraggle

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I think I need a reboot. It looks like something is definitely wrong. When I open map it shoots across to the far south west, off map and won't go right. Time for a reboot - thank you everyone for all your help! :thumbsup: :beans:

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Thanks again. The reboot worked. Fraggle, I think you're right but the keyboard went a bit mental! :) :thumbsup:

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you were holding down shift at one point and activated sticky keys. Happens to me sometimes, as well if it happens again just hit shift.

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Do you use a wireless keyboard or mouse? If so they might need new batteries.

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Nope. I don't have an answer, as is often the case with computers. It just did not want to work properly but is ok now. I've run from Berezino to Elektro and wanted to finish my journey today. So I'm delighted it's working again. Thanks again, to all.

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