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I committed my first murder...need advice/consoling

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OK, so ethical question. I committed my first murder yesterday in Cherno. I was a lowly new spawn, had a 1911 with a few mags and that was about it. Was sprinting through Cherno just to grab what I could before heading north.

Oh, and also was a female char, just to see if it helps prevent the shoot-on-sight mentality, figure it can't hurt..haha.

But I fall from one story over by the hospital, pass out, wake up and eat a little and then turn and BAM, nearly run into another dude in a ghillie suit.

Now, my blood runs cold, I freak out and aim my pistol sights right at his head.

He doesn't see me. He's looking 90 degrees to my left, I know he doesn't see me.

Do I call out? See if he's friendly? He's got a ghillie suit...that usually means business..I can see his gun is up and he's ready to shoot. It's an AK. I've got my 1911. It feels weak in my hands.

My pistol sights are still on his head. About 5 seconds have passed as he sidesteps closer and closer to me, the words catch in my throat. Do I call out? Do I shoot a warning shot?

Bang Bang Bang, three rounds, fired off right at his head. He drops. Dead. My first murder.

I raid his body, find only a few supplies, matches, map, gun etc.

So, Derek, if you're out there. I'm sorry. I should have called out.

Now, am I totally in the wrong? I try to play nicely.

This instance was the first time I was really playing as if I were in the game. IRL, if I have the drop on someone that is potentially dangerous, I'm going to shoot to kill, no matter if it's 'fair' or not.

But it's been nagging me. And that's a sign of how awesome this game is.

So, how much was I in the wrong? From your experience, if I'd called out, would he have just whipped to his left and blown me away? Would he have shot me just out of reaction and surprise?

Gotta love this game...

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That's the interesting thing about this game, you'll never know if you just prevented your own death or killed a potential ally. You made your decision and now you're stuck with the results.

As for my opinion of whether or not you should've done that, I would've tried to call out considering you weren't holding anything valuable and you could pick it up again in 5-10 minutes after respawning.

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Its a hard one because i personally operate up north, so any sign of another player usually means bad news. And from personal experiences a guy in a ghillie isnt gonna think twice about shooting someone. I would have called out first if the looked like they was going to turn around or they didn't reply shoot them.

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Was your leg broken? If not you could've made a run for it. I wouldn't have called out as he probably would've killed you in fear of losing his stuff, but you don't have much to lose so you could have. Also, Gillie doesn't mean they're pro, for instance the last one I found was in the Cherno apartments, anyone can stumble upon that. But considering he had an AK, he knew where the military spawns were and how to get them safely, so it's a toss up.

I wouldn't feel too bad though. This is only your first kill. As long as you hold on to your humanity and don't fall into the shoot on sight mentality.

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I wouldn't worry too much about it, the game is about surviving and you done just that. Sure he might of been friendly but at any given time he could of wasted you if you had given him the chance. Trust no one. Even if they do have the hero skin. Unless you know them personally then it's completely random as to what would happen. Why risk that?

If the dude had been a new spawn maybe you could of helped each other out a little, but as soon as a new spawn has a weapon I'd be very weary around them.

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I'm not too distraught about the murder. But mostly observing how awesome this game is. I've never wondered or had second thoughts after a PVP experience in any other game.

I'm still thinking about 'Derek' 24 hours after the incident. And every time I fire the AK, I think about Derek and how I looted his body and am still using the gun that could, could have been my own death.

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Do you have breasts IRL?

If not, you need to turn in your mancard.

*Shakes head about grief/needing counseling*.

He lost, you won.

Edited by NickM
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I was in much the same predicament yesterday. There was only two of us on the server...a guy called Leo and I. Luckily I am such a bad shot I only wounded him...but I still feel bad for shooting first.

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Ghillie =/= bandit. I've ran along the coast as a swamp monster and handed out supplies. If you really feel like you need counseling CQF offers a program.

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NickM, thank you for that juvenile response.

Krobar, I know that gillie doesn't ALWAYS equal bandit. But geezus it was terrifying to turn the corner and be 10 feet from a moving bush with a giant (actually just an AK) gun that I envisioned was going to be turned on me in two seconds.

It was the first moment I was truly brought into the game. I love it.

NickM, in response, I was joking about the consoling part...although imagine in real life how a moment like that could haunt you. You find safety in a barn north of Cherno and cry yourself to sleep in a zombie apocalypse, gripping your looted AK, still stinking of the blood you spilled to get it.

Cmon..now that's immersion...haha

And yes, I still feel a bit guilty, especially given I was a newer spawn. I try to play as realistically as possible, meaning I spend most of my time hunting, filling water bottles and occasionally searching for loot etc. It's an RPG and that's what I love about it.

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OK, so ethical question. I committed my first murder yesterday in Cherno. I was a lowly new spawn, had a 1911 with a few mags and that was about it. Was sprinting through Cherno just to grab what I could before heading north.

Oh, and also was a female char, just to see if it helps prevent the shoot-on-sight mentality, figure it can't hurt..haha.

But I fall from one story over by the hospital, pass out, wake up and eat a little and then turn and BAM, nearly run into another dude in a ghillie suit.

Now, my blood runs cold, I freak out and aim my pistol sights right at his head.

He doesn't see me. He's looking 90 degrees to my left, I know he doesn't see me.

Do I call out? See if he's friendly? He's got a ghillie suit...that usually means business..I can see his gun is up and he's ready to shoot. It's an AK. I've got my 1911. It feels weak in my hands.

My pistol sights are still on his head. About 5 seconds have passed as he sidesteps closer and closer to me, the words catch in my throat. Do I call out? Do I shoot a warning shot?

Bang Bang Bang, three rounds, fired off right at his head. He drops. Dead. My first murder.

I raid his body, find only a few supplies, matches, map, gun etc.

So, Derek, if you're out there. I'm sorry. I should have called out.

Now, am I totally in the wrong? I try to play nicely.

This instance was the first time I was really playing as if I were in the game. IRL, if I have the drop on someone that is potentially dangerous, I'm going to shoot to kill, no matter if it's 'fair' or not.

But it's been nagging me. And that's a sign of how awesome this game is.

So, how much was I in the wrong? From your experience, if I'd called out, would he have just whipped to his left and blown me away? Would he have shot me just out of reaction and surprise?

Gotta love this game...

ah i remember my first murder, me and a firend were raiding cherno and we were in the top level of the fire station looking for the sniper (turns out he logged off) then i turn around and see this guy in a ghille suit spawned and I freak out and shoot him in the chest 5 times with my AKM, turns out the guy was a hacker cuz he had G36C Silenced and I knew that wasnt supposed to be in game. Now ive got a shoot on sight policy I'm not a bandit im just paranoid and kill those who I do not know.

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As a bandit I say you did the right thing.

If you had called out friendly probably would have shot you regardless of his response.

People with Ghilies are notoriously jumpy and parinoid.

Plus you have no way of knowing if he was a bandit or not.

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Lets just say if dayz ever happened in real life id be alot more concerned about the well being of my family then the well being of yours.

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If you feel guilty about this then you need to play a different game.

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If you feel guilty about this then you need to play a different game.

You clearly didn't understand what he meant, he was using it as something that would make the story/moment more dramatic. I often use it as to add spice to a game I am playing. For example, in DayZ, when a friend dies and I can't do anything, I would shout over the comm, "Stay with me, bro, don't fall asleep!". It makes things more dramatic.

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A lot of you must have never heard of dramatic effect. :facepalm:

Have you read my comment on this topic? Scroll up if you sorta missed it.

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Good grief. Honestly, If only there were a NO BEANS button for some of the daft things people say. Ignore the daft stuff and sift it out of your mind, Tmull. Feeling guilty is a good sign. It show's you've a insight into actions and their possible consequences. And that you're not quite a sociopath yet! Of course, having feelings of guilt doesn't mean you need to play a different game!

He didn't shoot at you, and didn't see you. I'm glad I didn't see you yesterday. I was in Cherno in a ghillie suit, as I often am. I've never aimed my gun at another player, let alone shot someone.

However, you were in a complex situation and you made your choice. Perhaps it wasn't the one you would have made if you'd had more time, and the circumstances were different. So there's not point blaming yourself for one decision. However, you're not just responsible for what you did yesterday or today. You're responsible for all your choices for the rest of your life. So it's up to you how you choose to live your life in dayz, the same as in real life. :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula
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500 - I love that icon beyond all reason. It makes me happier than ice cream! :thumbsup:

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NickM, thank you for that juvenile response.

Krobar, I know that gillie doesn't ALWAYS equal bandit. But geezus it was terrifying to turn the corner and be 10 feet from a moving bush with a giant (actually just an AK) gun that I envisioned was going to be turned on me in two seconds.

It was the first moment I was truly brought into the game. I love it.

NickM, in response, I was joking about the consoling part...although imagine in real life how a moment like that could haunt you. You find safety in a barn north of Cherno and cry yourself to sleep in a zombie apocalypse, gripping your looted AK, still stinking of the blood you spilled to get it.

Cmon..now that's immersion...haha

And yes, I still feel a bit guilty, especially given I was a newer spawn. I try to play as realistically as possible, meaning I spend most of my time hunting, filling water bottles and occasionally searching for loot etc. It's an RPG and that's what I love about it.

ehh if this was a real zombie apocalypse it wouldn't really matter to me, I'm a sociopath so it makes pulling the trigger and never giving a damn that much easier for me.

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There's only a couple of kills I feel bad about-I guess luckily for me, I'm most ly on the receiving end of the shooting. :blush:

First one was fairly new spawn-only have a hatchet.

Run into some little industrial shed and proned out on the floor is another survivor. Holy crap!!! Instinctively swing, a little off the top, and there he is laying there bleeding out...dammit, didn't mean to do that.

The other time was a week or so later, fresh spawn again, have ahatchet and a 1911.

I and another random are sweeping Kamenka when he gets swarmed and appears unable to get them off.

I rush in hatchet swinging...dammit again. I tried.

A week ago, I ran into a barn just south of NWAF with 3000 blood, the gray shakes, and run towardds a back wall.

Turn and look across and there is another bushwookie opposite me.

Crap! Already have the G17 up. We look at each other for a bit, he had the drop on me big time but had not fired. I witheld fire as well (he could have killed me by tapping on my forehead at that point).

Get on direct and say "friendly".

We chat for a bit, he tells me he's on his way to the airfield and asks how it is.

I give him the rundown on lootspawns I observed and we go our seperate ways.

No shot's fired...could have gone south, but the fact that he spared me changed what could have been a bad encounter into a good one.

All that rambling into a condensed version: You never know how it will turn out.

No wisdom for you though.

That will be $25 plus cleaning fee for the couch.

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I felt like this, got fed up with being nice, raged and killed a few poor plebs. Trying to be good now but i don't take chances.

However its like everything in life, once you popped your cherry, its all down hill from there on in. :D

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I think this is a vital part of playing games. They are like a cross between a movie/book/story but you have the means to write/film it however you want it to be. Immersion is what makes a game enjoyable and I would rather play this kind of game with someone who gives it thought rather than those who just say man up and die but the different mentalities also gives the game alot of life because you just never know. There are endless what if's, maybes and if only.... It is one hell of a game.

Edited by Taniki
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The game changes for me a lot, too. I've gone through the stages going from being a newbie, to just-geared-up, to set up with a camp and tents etc.

Right now, with what I have, I have a lot to lose. This is still the same character that blew ghillie-suit 'Derek' away with a 1911 without warning. So, even on just this character, my own survival has changed.

Unfortunately, I'm now to the point where any other survivors are simply threats, whether they know it or mean to or not.

I need no one else. Don't even need someone for blood transfusions since I can hunt and eat more than enough.

As is oft-repeated, there are few reasons for me to team up with anyone at this point. Unless anyone can change that mentality, I'm not a SoS type of player...but I've got an itchy trigger finger if I feel threatened at all.

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