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Best and worst noob moments ...sofar!

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Hi all!

Been playing for a week or so and its been a lot of fun :)

Slowly ive learned how to actually equip and use a hatchet(took a while lol)discovered the joys of sardines and pepsi and squealed in delight when I found an actual gun.

In the process I have learned not to walk off high buildings(or low ones),that sometimes friendlies just arent friendly and that sometimes they are lol

Top moments have been finding some awesome gear(AS50 etc)and the worst was being sniped while looking at my map in the middle of nowhere and spawning back at the coast..actually in the water lol

Special mention to the guys who tried to kill me in Cherno with a Huey gunship and failed..ha ha missed me :)

That was awesome fun and very exciting!

Really this is an excellent mod and Im glad I found it :)

Good stuff!

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I still have noob moments despite playing dayz since the end of june.

Just yesterday I saw a dude in a ghillie on Lingor loot some military buildings with his Military Offroad just parked openly on the road. I got so excited to steal it that i didn't even check if someone was still sitting in there. So, not only did I steal ghillie man's vehicle, I stole his buddy right along with it.

Tried to talk to the guy, but he was just sitting there, until i reached a dead end and had to turn around, he got out and shot at me. Unfortunately for him, he didn't kill me. Unfortunately for me, he lag glitched around the place a lot, so shooting at him, wasn't a viable option. "**** it", I got back in the vehicle and drove it into the water and died along with all the gear they had stored in it :D

I had a bizon in my backpack and an M9SD ready, I could have taken him out silently and got away before his ghillie buddy would have been any wiser.

Live (and die) and learn I guess.

Edited by jurrasstoil

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