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Hacker SH_Kenny UK 101

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With a friend, we were camping stary sobor, when we heard weird noise sniper shots, a noise we had never heard in the game coming from a sniper. Anyway, friend got killed, i ran and scoped northen planes untill he came back. We managed to kill him after a while, and looted him.

Screen of my friend looting him: http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/6868/sprmk12dayzshkenny.png

The name of presumed hacker: SH_Kenny

Anyway, we killed him on UK101 around 11:24 (GMT+1, paris time), he had an SPR MK12 sniper that we had never seen before and not on the wiki with weird stanag munitions never seen.

He also had coyote backpack (could have looted it of my friend as he had one before dying), he had M9 SD, GPS, NVGs, epi-pen, .... all the full shit with camo clothing.

We looted the M12 SPR, it's in my backpack, but we won't use it untill we have confirmation it's a real weapon that spawns in DayZ. If it's hacked we'll throw it away.

We looted the backpack, GPS, NVGs, and M9 SD. Please can a dev tell us if we have to drop them somewhere, as we dont know if they are hacked or not.

Thx alot for telling us if he is a hacker, or if he just was lucky with loot drops on heli crashes :)

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Everything else is legit not sure about the sniper though.

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You should be fine looting everything BUT the weapon. Try to get in-touch with the server admin (UK101) and let them know about this thread you posted so they can look in the logs for his GUID.

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i modified post, took the sniper and put in backpack, but wont use it untill confirmation or not that its hacked. People say it could be a heli weapon.

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i modified post' date=' took the sniper and put in backpack, but wont use it untill confirmation or not that its hacked. People say it could be a heli weapon.


Thanks for the post. I'll look into it asap!

Could someone else confirm whether the wiki weapons list is complete please? Dont want to ban anyone if it was a legit find but i havent seen that sniper gun anywhere as well so i think you may be right.


Rocco - UK101 Admin

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The sniper disappeared from my bag at log on... Still have the ammunition. Its stanag munition, it's got 20 bullets per clip instead of 30 but recommeneded for the same weapons as the 30 bullet / clip.

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