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Connection Woes...

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So, I'm a lone-body. I very much enjoy playing DayZ by myself. So I'm more inclined to join... extremely low pop servers. Anywhere from 0-3 people is good by me. These servers, I've noticed have the most problems. Either endless loading screen, or the weirdest IMO: Horrible FPS. The last one is the one that irks me the most. On a decent server Ill get ~40 fps. EVERYWHERE. Sometimes when i spawn in, i sit ~10 FPS. I ninja-logged from a server I was getting ~40 FPS in and when i logged back in less than 30 seconds later I was sitting @ 10 in the same spot. What gives? Why does SixLauncher display servers that dont work? Why dont these scrubs with servers take them down if they arent allowing people to connect? Is there a possible work around for any of my issues? Or maybe someone knows of a good low-pop server i can tool around on? THanks...


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Hello, to help you out with your problem, you may need to re-think some things. Some (not all) servers will have a low-pop count because of the issues like lag. You cannot tell why there aren't so many people, so keep a record of servers that do and don't work. Depending on the server location and time of day will also affect the player count.

Also use DayZ Commander, it is a lot better, more options for filtering and a nicer input to it.

Another problem is sometimes Battleye stops responding and haults you from continue your connection when loading in. This has happened to me quite a bit, and if my friend doesn't tell me it malfunctioned, I would stay stuck on the loading screen without a clue why. So some servers where you get stuck on loading is because Battleye crashed. You don't see an error message unfortunately.

Edited by Mayuyu

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