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Short story, got scarred the crap out of, then got decent gear

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Me and a friend headed down to the Airfield after our server restarted, after the 4 kilo trek we discover the downed chopper respawned and we found it, DMR for me. Moved a little further and found a gassed tractor, but decided not to take it. So we decide to camp out the field since there were no spawn, we crawled to the southern end on the hill, waiting, when zeds start spawning at the southern barracks. A minute later my friend was getting shot at with a DMR, although the guy sucked and missed every shot, my friend retreated a bit and waited until we felt it was safe. After we thought the coast was clear, I'm at the south-eastern end of the tarmac and in the trees, just waiting for someone to pop up. All of a sudden I go into third person and... There was a guy in a bandit skin who didn't notice me, with a silenced m9 just sitting there, i look up at him, he looks at me, we stared for a second before i sprinted back up the little hill to by where my friend was, my heart was pounding. I starting calling to him, "THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE TREES WITH ME" I pull out my M249 SAW and randomly fire into the trees(Noob move, i know, but i was a bit hysterical at the moment) The guy disappears, no shots, no nothing. Relief. Then a little later we see zombies starting to spawn again at the southern barracks, we wait and i crawl towards it a little and see a bunch of dust or smoke. "Corey, there's smoke... I think something's on fire or they threw a smoke grenade" I whisper over Skype, before i see headlights and some kid named Sean riding it, I think "Why not" I stand up and empty 30 rounds into him as his friends try to kill me, i retreat to the treeline. "God I hope that creeper isn't still here..." I think to myself as we wait, after a while it's apparent that they disconnected or left, so i crawl back up to the hill. "There's someone at the firehouse" My buddy whispers, I see a couple zombies agro on the guy and he runs into the hangar closest to the firehouse before throwing a red smoke grenade next to the control tower, at that point we take out our snipers, me and my DMR and Corey with his m16 acog, he runs and we take shots at him, laughing hysterically, a few missing by just a hair, before we see him run into a hangar, then the zombies glitch out. "He disconnected" Corey says and we laugh hard. I then turn around and think, "What to do with the tractor...." We loot Sean's body and find a m4a1 CCO SD, and a rangefinder, everything else we had already. "Corey, go to the bushes" I say before firing 80 rounds into the tractor, turning it into a beacon of destruction and laughing.

And that was my trip to the Airfield, had too much ammo for the saw anyways. :P

Hope everyone enjoys it. :3

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