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Can connect to my server, but can't get past loading screen (friends can't either). It's long since been whitelisted; help?

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My server is US 3137. I'm running it on an Alienware PC here at Georgia Tech. The server has already been whitelisted, and I can connect to it and enter the lobby, but after I click ok, it loads some, sometimes it says "waiting for characater to create", but always gets stuck at the loading screen. I've downloaded and re-downloaded Arma 2, Arma 2 OA, and DayZ multiple times, and I've ensured that I've got the latest beta patch. Any help?


With the recent update of DayZ (, I deleted Arma and all the DayZ content. Instead of re-installing from Steam, I torrented Combined Ops and simply used my cd-key that I already owned. Set up the server, now works like a charm!

Edited by ditchfieldcaleb
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Make sure you patched Arma II: OA to 1.60 and then 1.62 (if using steam this is automatic)

Download from: http://www.arma2.com/index.php?Itemid=20&option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder

(Beta patches are in it's own 'beta' folder and will not be disturbed by update).

Also make sure you are using hive component 0.73 and dayz (or hive 0.72 with

You could also look at the server_console.log to see if it's saying anything about you beeing disconnected when you are hung in load state.

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Our server has the same problem, eventually (20 minutes of "Loading" screen after the player selection screen but before "Character created...please wait" screen), the server would say Authentication Timeout. Tried changing the authentication from 2 to 1, even from 2 to 0. None of these worked. Re-checked that we updated our keys, nada.

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