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As a new player, nothing exciting has happened. I've never found a gun, it seems all buildings i try are closed, I get instantly chased by zombies.

It's too hard! I need some help big time! My Skype is eric_norman :-)

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map of all the loot spawns.

not all buildings are enterable.

you can find guns in:

supermarkets (the risk varies on where the super market is)

fire stations (very high risk of death i suggest you avoid these)

apartment blocks (once again the risk varies)

military camps (high risk)

barns (low to medium risk)

deer stands (low risk)

that map lets you select the type of buildings you are after

as for being chased by zombies. sneaky sneaky, they'll see you they'll hear you and they'll sure as hell smell your urine stained pants. go slowly crawl if they get too close, dive behind cover if they look your way. and run like usain bolt if they see you. use trees and sharp corner to loose them.

usually if i'm in a hurry to loot a place surrounded by zombies i'd aggro them all lap a few builds to drag them away give them the slip (shaun of the dead style) get what i need and then get out of there before they come knocking on the back door.

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If your a New player and your being chased by zombies a only tip is run into a building because zombies cant run unless in they're in the range of hitting you they wont starting running inside when they're about to hit you they will run 2 or 3 steps and do that attack animation. Another thing is Elektro, Chernogosk, a pretty high PvP area but you might find good stuff if your looking for guns in general the nearest to spawn for military bases etc, is the Balota airstrip but be careful thats also a high PVP if you spawned on the north east side. Berezino is actually bigger than Elektro and Chernogosk, and you'll find yourself less firefighting from bandits than you will in Elektro and the other Chernogosk. plus there is a small military base there most likely you'll find a AK, AKM, side arms and plus theres 2 deer stands in Berezino on the fields and one on the outskirts. but yes look at the map of dayz

http://dayzdb.com/map#4.084.129 Cherno, Elektro, Balota airstrip. (most likely you'll spawn on the outskirts of those cities but there is also a chance of spawning in kamenka http://dayzdb.com/map#5.029.128 Which is the corner of the freaking map I usually kill myself there Kamenka if i freshly spawned.

http://dayzdb.com/map#4.134.085 the farthest i've ever spawned on the east side is three valllys i usually head up to Berezino, than to the airfield

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Sneak at first. But as you get to know towns and spots to lose zeds, you can pretty much sprint through a town and come out with no aggro.

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You guys sure know your stuff! Many thanks for the responses.

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