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anyone wanna group up tonight? maybe a clan?

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ive been playing for a couple weeks now its getting boring playing by myself looking to play with some other people. just died before i logged out so i don't have any gear but give me like 30 mins when i log on and i should have some decent stuff, Im in seattle will prolly be on around 5pm and for awhile after that if anyone wanna to group

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ive been playing for a couple weeks now its getting boring playing by myself looking to play with some other people. just died before i logged out so i don't have any gear but give me like 30 mins when i log on and i should have some decent stuff, Im in seattle will prolly be on around 5pm and for awhile after that if anyone wanna to group

i am so willing to do this and i can give u a gun i have an extra m4 cco and m1911 let me know if u wanna play!!

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yeah man! ill hit you up around 5pm when i get back from work. so you have a steam or how should i contact you?

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Hey, Im in the same boat as you. Been playing solo for about 2-3 weeks, and now im wanting to group up with some one. if youre on, we can try to group up. only worry is trusting you, and im sure you are the same about me. I do have some good gead and can really help you catch up

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yeh im down man, you can trust me but i understand why you would be concerned. Are you going to be on around 5pmish? ill pm you!

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Yeah most likely, it is 7pm atm where i am at, Just pm and we will try to get on a server together. I have a mic, do you?

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We are small atm 4 members, we Skype a lot and will move to vent when we get big enough. We have a lot of fun and like to help each other and our recruits. Just had a guy join yesterday and played with him for awhile we going to go out 3 strong tonight if u want to come with to see what we are like.

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