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The old snipers are to powerful thread. (with a solution)

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I agree, wind factor would be a good thing to add to DayZ and Arma, that's one good realism factor. To balance out the whining, make it a server option. Same thing with better weather.

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Would also be funny if they would count in world rotation

I was going to call you an idiot, then I googled it. The more you know...

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Would also be funny if they would count in world rotation

No. When using a rifle, you do not have to account for the rotation of the Earth; the Earth doesn't spin fast enough for distances of 1-2 miles to matter. ICBMs, on the other hand, do require it. However, I doubt that anyone will implement nuclear weapons into a zombie video game.

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Currently, sniping is OP for two reasons.

First; abundance of one-hit kill snipers (which shouldnt even be in).

The AS50 and his cus, the M107 are everywhere.

Only once did I ever get shot at by anything but one of those two.

Second, how easy it is to use one and how hard (read, impossible) to counter. Cherno and Elektro are simply too dangerous to visit, ever.

Whats that, you actually went and scouted the hills and sniper-perches? Think again, some guy just server hopped into his favourite spot. You're dead.

This guy puts it down better than anyone else could

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No. When using a rifle, you do not have to account for the rotation of the Earth; the Earth doesn't spin fast enough for distances of 1-2 miles to matter. ICBMs, on the other hand, do require it. However, I doubt that anyone will implement nuclear weapons into a zombie video game.

False, the Coriolis effect does come into play over those distances, and fairly significantly so. At 1,000 yards, the CE can throw off a bullet by more than 3 inches.

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It is very difficult to add wind into a game like this.

Except that it's already been done.

In real life, you can actually feel the wind to determine a rough estimate of the MPH, but in a game, you don't have all your senses to be able to tell how fast the wind is moving and what direction. So, no...Don't add wind.

Ok, bear with me for a second.

When you make a wind call in real life, the wind you feel on your face isn't the wind downrange. Especially at distance. There can be multiple wind currents, some going the opposite direction. Terrain and buildings make it even worse.

Doping the wind is mostly visual. You look at how the trees, and the grass moves. Flags, smoke, or anything else that wind will move. You learn after a while what a 5mph wind looks like, or a 12, or a 20. Direction of the wind also plays a part. If the wind is blowing at a 45 degree angle at 20 mph, the effect on the bullet is really only 10mph.

Another way you can measure the wind is by simply looking through the glass on the rifle, or on a spotting scope. If you pull the focus back a bit, you'll be able to see the mirage in a lot of cases. You'll get a visual representation of what the wind is doing. Again, you learn what mirage means in terms of wind speed, whether it's boiling or flat, etc.

Lastly, there are aenemometers that you can mechanically measure the wind with, but I've never liked using them as the only method. Like I said, the wind downrange may be different, and you won't be accounting for it if you only measure the wind at your FFP.

Long story short, doping wind is an acquired skill, it takes time and practice to learn... but it doesn't have to be that hard if it was implemented in the game. An aenemometer like a Kestrel could be implemented in the military loot tables, and used to account for the wind in the game. For the sake of simplicity, the wind speed and direction can be constant throughout the map until it changes, no need for realism in terms of cross currents, etc.

Wind doesn't have much effect up until 300m or so, anyway. It's negligible. It's pretty easy to call at 500m. Where the wind will really seperate the men from the boys, are the 1200m AS50 shots that SHOULD be hard to make.

I'll admit that I would like to see this out of selfishness, but only because I like a challenge.

Sniping is actually very difficult if the person running knows how to..DUN DUN DUN, Run....

Yeah, OP is doinitrong for sure.

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It's the sniper that determines the danger of the rifle, not the rifle that determines the danger of the sniper.

If I could have given you more beans, I would have.

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No idea what your problem is, i don't have to do anything other than stay on the move. I swear to you if you put me up against the average Dobry sniper with a hatchet i would at least land a hit on him before he could hit me.

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