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Sick Of Being A Survivor, Need Some Bandit Pals

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I'm sorta a noob in DayZ and get killed by assholes all the time and im really sick of it. I want to form a team of bandits but with some ethics such as not killing unarmed players and robbing instead of killing when possible. Add me on steam as tomdabomb wit the evil empire picture

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Butthurt thread detected!

Maybe if you used common sense, you wouldn't be making this thread. I've been a Hero for awhile now, so obviously you're doing it wrong.

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Butthurt thread detected!

Maybe if you used common sense, you wouldn't be making this thread. I've been a Hero for awhile now, so obviously you're doing it wrong.

Why was this necessary?

I'll answer that for you:

It wasn't

I'd join you OP, but I too am a good-guy. Best of luck!

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shoot i am at 4000 humanity and i will join you cuz i try to help people but all they do is attack.

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Im at -1500 humanity and would like to be a part of the group. also i got my self a Bandit clan msg me back or add Nick.smite on Skype

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skype name : timusmc0311

steam name : lance coconut

i just got killed by some random bandit spraying down me and my buddy as we're hunting/gathering. Sick of this crap, im gonna go bandit

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heres a clip of me in action

still look for some for people to team up with and make a squad for my videos

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Im making a squad, i've only got one person on it but I'm not a hero squad, Im a sniper, but i personally snipe snipers or kill bandits, but I do still kill survivors :3.... well... I kill o sight if your not in my squad, my steams radiantrachel48

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