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SoS Now recruiting!

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Hey there everyone! SoS ( Shoot on sight ) is now recruiting! We are a small clan so far with our very own server. Skype is a must ( Meaning you need a mic ). 18+ ONLY. Previous DayZ experience needed.

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ausitn.gwin - skype

Add me. I'll be 19 soon.

Over 2 months of gameplay experience. Not to brag but I'm not bad haha. Looking for a serious group to play with.

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I'm in. 20 yo, Skype enabled (Username: artictwinky), and 1 month experience. Not as long as other people but enough to get the ropes. I'm looking for a decent mature group to run with.

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Hey, Im looking for some serious people to play with. I don't have a lot of experience (a few weeks) but I run a partnered youtube channel, and am looking for a group to record with.

I am 18, and my skype is nelsonelliott55.

Thanks for any consideration.

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