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Pennywise (DayZ)

Should i buy it ?

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Hello Guys,

I watched Videos about this game for weeks.

But I heared that the Game/Mod will be destroyed from all the Hackers on the Server.

Is that true , that the people only cheat all the time?

Or just idle talk?

This statement from all the Gamer in the Vid´s makes me very skeptical.

Edited by Pennywise

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hackers have half of the servers screwed over, but it's being dealt with now. what you have to bear in mind is this mod is in alpha. the standalone game is going to come out before the end of this year according to the devs, and will retail for a pretty low price, so that might sway your decision a little

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My advice....If you have any doubts....wait for the stand alone.

I have played this allot and have only been killed by hackers a few times. I enjoy the game play and will be first in line to purchase the stand alone.

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deffinately get it it is not always spoiled by all hackers currently battle eye is simple to hack yes but ii still love the game plenty of servers where there are no hackers

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My advice....If you have any doubts....wait for the stand alone.

I have played this allot and have only been killed by hackers a few times. I enjoy the game play and will be first in line to purchase the stand alone.

What servers are you guys playing on considering I've been playing since mid may and most of my deaths are from hackers. I play on us servers and if there are better, then I would like to know.

Edited by CaptainD

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I would wait for standalone unless you have the money to burn or get a good price. There won't be very much updating happening while they focus on the standalone, and likely not much more once standalone comes out.

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Remember if you're only getting this because of DayZ you're basically getting two games for the price of one :) Arma is also great and I've probably put more time into it than all the other games I own put together!

Also the hacks aren't that bad, as far as I know aim-bots and wallhacks are incredibly rare, the main hacks (scripts) used are item spawners and teleporters with the occasional god-mode but I've only ever come across two hackers in about 150+ hours of playing DayZ, I'd say a main factor of encountering hackers is what server you play on, hope this helps.

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good luck on waiting who knows how long for standalone.

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Get it, for a cheap price your technically getting 3 games, yes DayZ has hackers but some servers you will be lucky in, have fun survivor.

Edited by FrankFisher

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If you like to have the bejebus scared out of you by crazed hopping zombies or the tension of hearing another player's footfalls as they climb the stairs to your location. Maybe you want to bait a sniper into revealing his position for your team to take out.

Or just wonder through the countryside slaughtering coos and living on your own.

If any of those things appeal.

Put your hand in your pocket and splurge.

The stand alone is months away and the hackers are getting dealt with.

Hopefully have a hive db reset in the next patch to get rid of all the tents and reset vehicles.

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Just stay out of the active servers.. I usually play on servers with 0-15 players on, never met a hacker... but then again, I've only met 3 people, lol :P

I'm new though, but I say buy it! It might be a bit hard in the start, but after a few hours of playing, it aint hard to get an alice-pack (second biggest backpack), a winchester, I was lucky and got an AKS-47U, and a few tents and stuff :D

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I play on us servers and if there are better, then I would like to know.

every other server apart from the us servers... seriously most of the hacking complaints come from us servers. i've been playing since march and i've only ever met 2 hackers (the first time they killed my 48 day old char, second time they killed my 36 day old char) but apart from those 2 times i haven't had a single problem.

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Had 3 run ins with hackers in the time I've been playing this, the most recent was a hacker on Sniper hill in Elektro using an invincibility script, it was me and 2 others from our raid call group, me with an L85/AS50 combo, another with a MK48 MOD 1/M4A1 CCO SD, and our third pal who we were working on gearing up with his AKM, we're making our way over and down the hill towards Elektro when buddy with the AKM says hes shot and down on the ground, I run back to the top where I see buddy prone facing a tree. As soon as I make contact the bandit shoots me in the leg and my leg breaks forcing me to prone, while hes exposed himself buddy with the AKM starts blasting at him while I try to roll to the side so that buddy with the AKM isn't in my line of fire, the bandit says his leg is broken over voice chat and continues to run around, as he runs past me I dump 10-15 rounds into his legs, going ?___? as he doesn't go down. Just as the bandit goes to another tree, buddy with the MK48 runs right up to the bandits left side and starts unloading, the bullets are definitely hitting but the bandit is still running around chirping away over voice chat. He runs to buddy with the AKM while the MK48 is pretty much glued to him blasting away, the bandit runs over to buddy with AKM and we hear buddy say "He's fking stealing shit out of my backpack", we decide its foolish to continue this further and go to another server to patch up and get on with getting more medical supplies.

Not the worst experience I've had, looking back it was actually kind of funny, worst experience for me is the glitch where you join a server and ALL gear is gone.

Edited by Mr Faust

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I want to say in advance that all the New Player should read this Topic.

Its always good to read what the Gamer say about this Mod.

After this it will be easier to create a opinion to buy it or not.

So many different meanings...

Nobody knows when the standalone version will be released.

I ve heard that the alpha version should not be developed any longer , beacause of the Standalone version.

Is that true?

(Sorry for all the questions but I dont want to buy a game which will be destroyed from the Hackers etc..

(Also sorry for my bad English , iam from Germany;D.)

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