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Fellow Bandit(s) Needed!

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Hello Sneaky Ones!

I'm in need of several experienced players, 18+.

I am starting a new squad which will be a squad with experienced players only.

I need aproxx. 4 players. We will use teamspeak for communicating.

Bring gear please, basic survival stuff. We will decide a server to crash when we get established.

This is no bs, serious squad, cba immature replies..

Post your skype name and if possible we will get started tonight.

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skype name :timusmc0311

steam name : lance coconut

been a long time player of ARMA, just got killed recently so i'll have to join with not much essentials

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skype is coreyoconnell88

Been playing since start and looking for a good group of people to loot tents and kill some survivors! Have decetn gear so far.


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