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Any Dev News On the Visual Basic Map Reader?

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It's really taking the fun away from the game, everyone can find any player and anyone can find vehicles with the most basic iteration. If you know what you are doing you can make it list heli-crashes and loot.

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They should do what minecraft does, transmit garbage information until a player actually looks at something. Don't know if it'd be possible with this engine but it sounds like a quick fix.

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They should do what minecraft does, transmit garbage information until a player actually looks at something. Don't know if it'd be possible with this engine but it sounds like a quick fix.

It would be easier to obfuscate the info or dynamically assign addresses, which would make it harder not impossible.

Edited by icomrade

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Interesting, I'm taking a Visual Basic class in school right now. Is it like a hack or something that list all player locations?

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Interesting, I'm taking a Visual Basic class in school right now. Is it like a hack or something that list all player locations?

basically the server transmits positional data of anything you could care to know about in real time. People use mapping programs or ESP hacks to find vehicles, camps, players, heli crashes. It's pretty vile.

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basically the server transmits positional data of anything you could care to know about in real time. People use mapping programs or ESP hacks to find vehicles, camps, players, heli crashes. It's pretty vile.

Yeah pretty much this. Apparently there isnt any battleye detection because its not a script or hack its just reading data the game transmits.

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basically the server transmits positional data of anything you could care to know about in real time. People use mapping programs or ESP hacks to find vehicles, camps, players, heli crashes. It's pretty vile.

Oh...yeah...those... I'm pretty sure I've fallen victim to somebody using one before, it's pretty lame.

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Well I see this was moved but I wonder if there is anything updated that the Devs are doing in this area, maybe addressing it in the standalone?

You can forget about hiding a vehicle or camp because it will be come blatantly obvious that its somewhere someone should go if its not in a standard spawn point.

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The answer is very simple and has been tried and true in the past. We've repeated history, basically.

EverQuest - ShowEQ was born, and worked exactly like ARMA2 ESP does because the servers sent the entire zone's objects to you at all times

World of Warcraft - ESP style stuff is and will always still be possible, but WoW devs were smart enough to only send object data for what they dubbed your "sphere of influence" (a radius distance from your character). That's why things fade in/out when you get close and far away. The server is starting/stopping sending data for that object.

The same should be done for DayZ standalone when engine modifications are made. Only objects in your radius (1600meters makes sense, since that's the hardcoded view distance) should be sent.

Close quarters ESP will still be possible, but you need to send object data even if you're not in Line-of-sight to prevent warping issues and overtaxing the server.

Minecraft's obfuscation stuff is some of the worst written and most resource intensive stuff ever. Something like that would never work for ARMA2/DayZ.

TLDR: The ESP hacks will always be possible until standalone, which is the only opportunity there will be for engine modifications to fix it.

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