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Some people shouldn't drive vehicles...

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Do any of you play with that one friend that you will just never let drive anything again?

I mean, I've had my share of screw ups in vehicles, I once crashed a car going 107km/hr into the face of a barn out in the north, and killed 4 people in my car, and somehow I flew from the car, went unconcious from the explosion, and lived. This is an example of one of those friends you NEVER let drive a chopper. Anyone have any stories of some vehicle screw ups? :P (No comments about "omg you are a hacker" or blah blah blah. I'm not, my friend was, and he doesn't hack anymore.)

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Me and 2 other friends got our first Heli last night. I'm a good pilot, but I decided to try something risky. I asked em if I should do a backflip. One said yes, the other said no. We crashed...

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Thanks OP. I'll make sure never to play on that server.

Also yes I'm a fast driver and low-flying helicopter pilot and I like it that way. Unfortunately this does little for my personal safety, or others.

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I have a friend who thinks he can fly (because "he flies in all games he plays"), no experience with ARMA landed chopper on tree then flapped about fixing it while i was bleeding next to the dam thing (I had to crawl off in search of meat despite them having blood!).......... I died, respawned did the Elektro run and saw him pile in to the ground.... yes I smiled (and hid the bodies).

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ahhh cheaters

-No shit, don't post the obvious, troll.

Lockdown, you get flamed and trolled on all of your topics, I swear.

Yea I know, people fucking suck!

Thanks OP. I'll make sure never to play on that server.

Also yes I'm a fast driver and low-flying helicopter pilot and I like it that way. Unfortunately this does little for my personal safety, or others.

We do this when the server is locked with no one on it, well, we used to, until he got banned. Also, that's the same reason I've crashed 2 helis lol :P

nice hacked as50 tws there dude

No shit. No shit. No shit. Jesus. It's not like im sniping freshspawns, were just fucking around.

So you don't hack anymore, you say?

No, if you actually read, I DON'T HACK, my FRIEND does. *Did. He got banned, and I have to say, we had a shit load of fun, so balls off.

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I actually had one today. Me and these 2 dudes were gunna raid Stary Sobor and we left our V3S in some bushes, well hidden. We ran out into this open plains, and our leader went AFK, so we started dickin' around.

Our shooting and chem lights probably got the attention of some...

While messing, the other guy's like "Davis, you hear that? I think it's our truck!"

And I say, "What are you talking about?"

"Listen, it's our truck!"

And then I look over at the road behind us and I see our truck being driven off.

The leader was pissed. lol.

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even though fraps cuts me off at 30 seconds

im sure you can tell what is happening to the chopper and the whole "watch our for the"

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