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Age limits are everywhere

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You people do know it's not illegal to have an 18s rated game. The rating (unlike films) is only a recommendation therefore as long as we have permission from our parent/guardian it is legal.

Edited by Rustywolf

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You people do know it's not illegal to have an 18s rated game. The rating (unlike films) is only a recommendation therefore as long as we have permission from our parent/guardian it is legal. But anyway I'm not here to talk about age ratings so keep the forms coming guys.

If you still want to bicker about 18s clans/games take it to this topic made by son54:


It is a recommendation. Not following said recommendation and then complaining about it is asinine.

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It is a recommendation. Not following said recommendation and then complaining about it is asinine.

This. I play games rated for people over my age, but I don't complain about it being unfair that clans want people at the recommended age. Like I said before, I will simply find other people that don't care as much.

Edited by Dutch Miller

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