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TS Hadouken

Possible Hackers on US 737/US 634

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So my friend and I were sitting in elektro and we had good gear, like AS50 and LMG and Coyote backpacks, the works. Were sitting up on the hill and i see my buddy get sniped next me to, and so i switch to my L85 and thermal sweep to see that there was someone on top of the hospital. Naturally i go prone, move around a bit to get a shot, and i hit one and ANOTHER shot hits me from what seemed like the hospital.

We go back to get our stuff and there they are waiting for us. Sniped again. After running back multiple times we give up. They were abusing a wall glitch on top of the hospital where you can go prone and get in the wall to protect yourself. Now at this point, we had killed about 2-3 of their guys and they killed us about 6 times with AS50 TWS's and such. So we decide to just switch servers, and we log in on the hill in elektro. (Now keep in mind we changed servers) We log in and see some people on the power plant so we shoot killing them, and then WE GET KILLED IMMEDIATLY AFTER. I log out and log back in respawning and i see the names of the people that we were sniping us and killing us. They had followed us somehow.

Their names were Michael, Best Friend, A sniper, and one more but i cant remember the name.

Watch out for these people.

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Hello Hadouken - I am one of the three you mentioned, AKA Michael;

However your story is rather true, it is also rather false. I, in the next few paragraphs, will mention all the reasons you are false, but also true. - My story will also be explained, which will hopefully clear up the whole situation between your group (Smash, Hadouken.. and a possible 'other?') as well as mine (myself, A sniper, Best Friend, and Capp).

The Story:

Well, I'm not going to lie, but we WERE abusing the glitch -- then again we were being sniped by hackers in which, were using ESP hacks (it shows boxes around us) and he was using an AS50/M107 because he was almost hitting us through that wall, hitting directly in front of us. We, as a team of four (yes, four) popped out individually attempting to take out the hacker. However we couldn't find him, and when we saw your squad we HONESTLY thought you were the hackers. That is exactly the reason we were abusing that wall - because we were attempting to take on a few hackers (because we don't give two fucks about losing these AS50 TWS) - however, we killed some of you.

The next hour (or two) consisted of both of our groups sniping at each other and attempting to wipe each other's group out - however, this was impossible. Your group (specifically you) was shot and killed, and then you server-hopped one of our men on the top part of the hospital and shot him with an M107, thus killing him and taking our AS50 TWS. That man you sniped was playing by a separate name at the time, but he is currently known as A sniper.

After the server-hop, you decided to D/C (disconnect) in the middle of combat and we never saw you again. This, was just the first day which took several (if not one) hour to complete the battle. We noticed you guys weren't logging back into US 737, we server-hopped to camp out of the glitch-spot and counter-snipe.

Therefore, we ended the night after a few extra server-hops, clearing snipers out on each server, and smiled as we slept, knowing we took out a few hackers previously. A day or two later, we logged back into US 737 to notice you and Smash were still playing that server. We were in the glitch spot of course to avoid instant-death upon login (usually by hackers) and we noticed you were on the roof. My friend, A sniper was camping on the western smoke-stack on the industrial side of Elektro, and he himself also saw you on top of the hospital roof, and we noticed you server-hopped after we through our frag grenades (which by the way was an utter fail) and we tracked you via 'Friends' on DayZ Commander - which worked rather nice.

We server-hopped you, and my friend on top of the smoke-stack took both of you out within a few seconds using his AS50. This was where he camped for the next amount of time and he continued to snipe you if you attempted to return. I hid your bodies after taking back OUR AS50 TWS.

And that, is the story on how it all happened. Really the only thing we were abusing was the AS50 TWS which we obtained off the hacker group we pwned the other day. They all had the same equipment (obviously duped, or hacked) and we definitely took them and then created a camp-site on a random server to keep as backups just in case we got blasted by hackers (again).

I can assure you we don't hack because otherwise we would've just force-respawned the server like most of the faggot hackers out there. If no one cares to believe us, you can check the coding on us on every server we've been to. We were simply getting revenge on your group because you had also server-hopped us previously.

This story should have cleared the whole situation for you, and we are rather sorry that we have these AS50's. We are also completely legitimate players, and to be honest - we've never even had a helicopter. Our group is usually demolished server after server by the hackers we encounter.

if there are any further questions, please be sure to ask via PM or this thread of course, as I will bookmark this for further reference, at a later date in time. I'm sorry for the inconvenience we have caused yourself and Smash.

Enjoy, and happy zombie hunting :)

PS; We were simply counter-sniping on each server because we're attempting to stop the constant 'noob-killing' on each server - and so far we're actually diminishing the factor.

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